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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Yearly mean temperature in the 29 lakes surveyed ranges from 12.6 (Suncheon) to 13.9℃ (Mokpo), the lowest in −2.7℃ (January) and the highest in 25.9℃ (July). Monthly mean the amount of rainfall recorded the highest of 336.7 mm in August and the lowest with 4.9 mm in Janua...


AI 본문요약
AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

문제 정의

  • 따라서, 수서생태계의 건전성 유지와 수질관리를 통한 용수의 확보, 생물군집 파악, 영양물질 순환과 부영양화에 대한 평가 등을 위한 호수의 생물 서식환경 조사, 생물상 조사, 영양물질 조사는 필수적이다. 이에 따라, 본 연구에서는 전라남도와 광주광역시의 주요 호소의 유역환경과 호소환경, 그리고 생물상조사를 수행하여 호소생태계의 건전성과 지속가능성이 확보된 호소의 환경개선과 수질보존대책이 체계적이고, 과학적이며, 효율적으로 추진될 수 있는 기술적인 정보와 지식(호소별 포스터 및 사진집제작)을 제공하고 수생태 및 수질보존대책을 수립하기 위한 기초자료로 제공하고자 한다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (14)

  1. Barnes, R. S. K. and Mann, K. H. (1991a). Fundamentals of Aquatic Ecology, Blackwell Science Inc. (2nd Ed.). 

  2. Barnes, R. S. K. and Mann, K. H. (1991b). Fundamentals of Aquatic Ecology, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford. 

  3. Choi, J. S., Kim, H. S., and Kang, M. D. (1998). Seasonal Dynamics of Epilithic Diatom Community in the Sinchun, Korean Society of Limnology, 31(3), pp. 235-240. [Korean Literature] 

  4. Chung, J., Kim, H. S., and Kim, Y. J. (1994). Structure of Phytoplankton Community in the Nakdong River Estuary Dam, Korean Society of Limnology, 27(1), pp. 33-46. [Korean Literature] 

  5. Kim, H. S. and Park, J. H. (2003). Development of Eutrophication Control Technology for a Pumped Storage Power Plant Dam: B. Evaluation of the Trophic Level of a Pumped Storage Power Olant Reservoir, International Journal of Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology, 17(2), pp. 51-57. [Korean Literature] 

  6. Lee, D. H., Cho, Y. G., and Lee, J. J. (2000). An Influence on the Water Quality by Sediments of Dongbok Reservoir, 2002 Spring Co-Conference of the Korean Society on Water Environment and Korean Society of Water and Wastewater, Korean Society on Water Environment and Korean Society of Water and Wastewater, pp. 307-310. [Korean Literature] 

  7. Lee, H. J. (1999). Epilithic Diatoms in the Nakdong River and its Value of the Diatom Assemblage Index of Organic Water Pollution (DAIpo), Korean Society of Limnology, 31(1), pp. 38-44. [Korean Literature] 

  8. Leidy, R. A. and Moyle, P. B. (1998). Conservation Status of World's Fish Fauna: An Overview. In Conservation Biology: For the Coming Decade, eds Peggy S. Fiedler and Peter M. Kareiva, Capter 8. Chapman & Hall. 

  9. Ministry of Environment (MOE). (2011). Water Information System (WIS), http://water.nier.go.kr (accessed 2011.12.14.) [Korean Literature] 

  10. Odum, E. P. (1971). Fundamentals of Ecology, International Thomson Publishing (3rd Ed.), pp. 574. 

  11. Park, H. K., Cheon, S. U., Park, S. I., Lee, M. H., and Ryu, J. K. (1992). Seasonal Successtion of Phytoplankton in some Artificial Lakes of Korea, Journal of Korean Society On Water Environment, 8(3), pp. 150-158. [Korean Literature] 

  12. Seong, C. N., Kim, J. H., Cho, H. U., Han, W. D., and Kim, H. W. (2003). Survey on Lake Environment, Jeonnam Green Environment Center Final Report. 

  13. Welch, E. B. and Lindell, T. (1992). Ecological Effects of Wastewater, 2nd. Champman & Hall, London. 

  14. Welschemeyer, N. A. and Lorenzen, C. J. (1985). Role of Herbivory in Controlling Phytoplankton Abundance: Annual Pigment Budget for a Temperate Marine Ford, Marine Biology, 90(1), pp. 75-86. 

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