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고감도 터치스크린 감지를 위한 양방향 센싱과 전압쉬프팅을 이용한 센싱 기법
Dual Sensing with Voltage Shifting Scheme for High Sensitivity Touch Screen Detection 원문보기

Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers = 전자공학회논문지, v.52 no.4, 2015년, pp.71 - 79  

서인철 (충북대학교 전자공학부) ,  김형원 (충북대학교 전자공학부)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

본 논문에서는 상호 정전용량 터치스크린의 single line sensing 방법에서의 단점을 해결하기 위한 성능향상 구조를 제안한다. 제안 구조는 Dual sensing 기법과 voltage shifting 기법을 도입하여 센싱 신호의 노이즈를 효과적으로 제거하고 터치 유무의 센싱 신호 차이를 증가시킨다. Dual sensing 기법은 구동신호의 양방향 엣지를 사용하여 integration 속도를 2배로 증가시켜 감지시간을 감소시킨다. Voltage shifting은 ADC의 입력신호 동작범위를 최대화하여 신호 대 노이즈비 (SNR)를 개선한다. 23" 대형 상용 터치스크린을 이용하여 simulation 및 측정한 결과로 제안된 센싱기법은 43dB의 SNR 성능을 가지며, 기존 방식 대비 2배의 스캔 속도를 제공하여 대형 터치스크린을 위한 적합한 기술임을 보인다. 제안된 센싱기법은 현재 매그나칩 CMOS 0.18um 공정으로 TSP 컨트롤러칩으로 구현되었다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This paper proposes a new touch screen sensing method that improves the drawback of conventional single-line sensing methods for mutual capacitance touch screen panels (TSPs). It introduces a dual sensing and voltage shifting method, which reduces the ambient noise effectively and enhances the touch...


AI 본문요약
AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

* AI 자동 식별 결과로 적합하지 않은 문장이 있을 수 있으니, 이용에 유의하시기 바랍니다.

제안 방법

  • For the measurement, we implemented a digital controller in FPGA, drive and sensing circuits in an analog front-end board, and a finger position calculation algorithm in embedded software on an ARM processor. We used a large TSP (a 23″ commercial TSP product sample) to measure the performance.
  • The proposed scheme requires a small chip size, and thus can be combined with a differential sensing scheme to utilize the advantages of both schemes.
  • The proposed scheme, therefore, can substantially improve the SNR by allowing more integration cycles and thus cancelling the ambient noise more effectively, and also can use the maximum dynamic range of the ADC.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (16)

  1. M.G.A. Mohamed. H. W. Kim, and T. W. Cho, "Efficient Multi-Touch Detection Algorithm for Large Touch Screen Panels," IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing, Vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 246-250, August 2014. 

  2. Jae-seung Lee, Dong-Hee Yeo, Ji-Yong Um, Eun-Woo Song, Jae-Yoon Sim, Hong-June Park, Seong-Mo Seo, Myeong-Ho Shin, Dong-Hoon Cha, Heesub Lee, "A 10-Touch Capacitive-Touch Sensor Circuit with the Time-Domain Input-Node Isolation", SID 2012 DIGEST, Vol.43, Issue 1, pp.493-496, June 2012. 

  3. Incheol Seo, Tae-won Cho, Hyung-won Kim, Hyung-Gyu Jang, Sun-Woo Lee, "Frequency Domain Concurrent Sensing Technique for Large Touch Screen Panels", in Proc. of IEEK Fall CONFERENCE 2013, pp.55-58, Seoul Korea, 23 Nov.2013. 

  4. M.G.A. Mohamed, U.Y Jang, I.C Seo, HyungWon Kim, Tae-Won Cho, Hyung-Gyu Jang, Sun-Woo Lee, "Efficient Algorithm for Accurate Touch Detection of Large Touch Screen Panels", in Proc. of ISCE 2014, pp.243-244, Jeju Korea, 22-25 Jun.2014. 

  5. Incheol Seo, Unyong Jang, M.G.A. Mohamed, TaeWon Cho, and HyungWon Kim, Hyeoung Kyu Chang and Sonou Lee, "Voltage shifting Double Integration Circuit for High Sensing Resolution of Large Capacitive Touch Screen Panels", in Proc. of ISCE 2014, pp.241-242, Jeju Korea, 22-25 Jun.2014. 

  6. Un-Yong Jang, Hyung-Won Kim, Tae-Won Cho, Hyung-Gyu Jang, Sun-Woo Lee, "Architecture of Multi Purpose Touch Screen Controller with Self Calibration Scheme", in Proc. of IEEK Fall CONFERENCE 2013, pp.162-166, Seoul Korea, 23 Nov.2013. 

  7. http://www.ansys.com 

  8. ATMEL Corporation, "Touch Sensors Design Guide, 10620D-AT42" Sept.2004. 

  9. Seunghoon Ko, Hyungcheol Shin, Jaemin Lee, Hongjae Jang, Kwyro Lee, "Low Noise Capacitive Sensor for Multi-touch Mobile handset's applications", in Proc. of ASSCC 2010, pp.247-250, Beijing China, 8-10 Nov.2010. 

  10. Chungbuk national university industry-academic cooperation foundation, Kortek corporation, "Touch screen detection apparatus using voltage-shifting double-sided integrator with automatic level calibration", Korea, patent application number 10-2014-0080811, Jun.30.2014. 

  11. Kisik Byun, Byung-Wook Min, "Circuit Modeling and Analysis of Touch Screen Panel", KIEES, Vol 25, Num1, pp.47-52, Jan. 2014. 

  12. Do-Young Jung, Sang-Hyuck Bae, Jae-Won Park, CheolSe Kim, SeokWoo Lee, Woosup Shin, Yong-Surk Lee, "Design of Touch Sensing Circuit Using Differential Scheme for a Large-sized Capacitive Touch Screen", in Proc. of IEEK Fall CONFERENCE 2012, pp.23-26, Seoul Korea, 23-26 Nov.2012. 

  13. Dong-Hyuk Lim, Jun-Eun Park, and Deog-Kyoon Jeong, "A Low-Noise Differential Front-end and its Controller for Capacitive Touch Screen Panels", in Proc. of ESSCIRC 2012, pp.237-240, Bordeaux France, 17-21 Sep. 2012. 

  14. I.-S. Yang and O.-K. Kwon, "A Touch Controller Using Differential Sensing Method for On-Cell Capacitive Touch Screen Panel Systems", IEEE T-CE, Vol. 57, No.3, pp.1027-1032, Aug 2011. 

  15. Jun-Hyeok Yang, Sang-Hui Park, Jin-Yong Jeon, Hyun-Sik Kim, Chang-Byung Park, Jin-Chul Lee, Jin-Woo Kim and Gyu-Hyeong Cho, "A High-SNR Area-Efficient Readout Circuit using a Delta-Integration Method for Capacitive Touch Screen Panels", SID 2012 DIGEST, Vol.43, Issue 1, pp.1570-1573, June 2012. 

  16. Jun-Eun Park, Dong-Hyuk Lim, and Deog-Kyoon Jeong, "A Reconfigurable 40-to-67 dB SNR, 50-to-6400 Hz Frame-Rate, Column-Parallel Readout IC for Capacitive Touch-Screen Panels", IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits Society, Vol.49, No.10, pp.2305-2318, Oct 2014. 

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