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Design of cryostat for superconducting quadrupole magnets in In-Flight fragmentation separator 원문보기

Progress in superconductivity and cryogenics : PSAC, v.17 no.3, 2015년, pp.62 - 66  

Choi, Y.S. (Korea Basic Science Institute) ,  Chang, H.M. (Hong Ik University) ,  Baudouy, B. (CEA Saclay) ,  Kim, D.G. (Institute for Basic Science) ,  Kim, J.W. (Institute for Basic Science)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The cryostat is designed for the superconducting quadrupole magnets to be used in a heavy-ion accelerator facility. The main accelerator is superconducting linac, which can accelerate a $^{238}U$ beam to 200 MeV/u (Mega electron voltage per nucleon). The cryostat for the magnet employs an...


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문제 정의

  • The liquid helium plant and external storage are not ready in the IBS site, therefore the cryocooler type is considered to be fabricated for performance test including field mapping without relying on liquid helium supply. In this paper, the status of the development of cryocooler type cryostat for quadrupole triplet magnet is presented. The design of the main cryostat is carried out based upon the associated analysis and the concept of the cryocooler type cooling system is described.
  • However, several ancillary requirements such as background field, space restriction due to the beam line and mechanical structure need technical attentions. The purpose of the work is the development of cryogenic cooling system for the superconducting quadrupole magnet including feasibility study of our design for the IF separator.
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참고문헌 (12)

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  2. J. W. Kim, "Status of the rare isotope science project in KOREA," Proc. of LINAC 2012, pp. 455-457, 2013. 

  3. G. K. White, Experimental techniques in low-temperature physics, 3rd ed., Oxford: Clarendon, 1987, pp. 127-156. 

  4. J. W. Ekin, Experimental techniques for low-temperature measurements, 1st ed., Oxford University Press, 2006, pp. 49-86. 

  5. Sumitomo Heavy Ind., "Sumitomo product documentation," Allentown, PA [Online]. Available: http://www.shicryogenics.com 

  6. Y. S. Choi, T. A. Painter, W. D. Markiewicz, B. S. Lee, and H. S. Yang, "Closed-loop cryogenic cooling for a 21 T FT-ICR magnet system," IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 1471-1474, 2008. 

  7. A. F. Clark, G. E. Childs, and G. H. Wallace, "Electrical resistivity of some engineering alloys at low temperature," Cryogenics, vol. 10, pp. 295-305, 1970. 

  8. N. J. Simon, E. S. Drexler, and R. P. Reed, "Properties of copper and copper alloys at cryogenic temperature," National Institute of Standard and Technology Monograph 177, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., pp. 7-16, 1992. 

  9. Copper Development Association Inc., "Low temperature properties of copper," New York, NY [Online]. Available: http://www.copper.org 

  10. Y. S. Choi, T. A. Painter, D. L. Kim, H. S. Yang, and B. S. Lee, "Semi-retractable current lead cooled by a cryocooler for high field magnet," IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 2210-2213, 2009. 

  11. HTS-110 Co., "HTS-110 product documentation," Westborough, MA [Online]. Available: http://www.hts-110.com 

  12. L. Seely, M. Zimmerman, and J. McLaughlin, "The use of Zylon fibers in ULBD tendons," Advances in Space Research, vol. 33, pp. 1736-1740, 2004. 

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