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[국내논문] Performance of Non Punch-Through Trench Gate Field-Stop IGBT for Power Control System and Automotive Application 원문보기

Transactions on electrical and electronic materials, v.17 no.1, 2016년, pp.50 - 55  

Kang, Ey Goo (Department of Energy Semiconductor Engineering, Far East University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this paper, we have analyzed the electrical characteristics of 1200V trench gate field stop IGBT and have compared to NPT planar type IGBT and NPT planar field stop IGBT. As a result of analyzing, we obtained superior electrical characteristics of trench gate field stop IGBT than conventional IGB...


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제안 방법

  • has garnered tremendous interest. This power semiconductor module is a core component of Power Conditioning Units (PCU), industrial inverters, Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS), and large-capacity Power This paper investigates a highefficiency high-voltage Trench Gate Field Stop IGBT, a core component of industrial inverters to raise the energy consumption efficiency of power conditioning unit and motor for distributed power generation photovoltaic, wind, and fuel cell devices.
  • The primary matters to consider in designing a 1, 200 V Planar type NPT IGBT are (1) the resistivity of wafer and (2) the drift layer thickness of the device to design. For this, an IGBT with a structure as in Fig.
  • A simulation was carried out while adjusting the N JFET and P base dose to 1e11 ~ 4e11 cm-2 and 5e13 ~ 8e13 cm-2, respectively, in order to optimize the Planar type NPT IGBT after setting the wafer resistivity and drift layer thickness. With the threshold volt-age aimed at about 5.
  • Based on the 1, 200 V Planar type FS IGBT design technology, a Trench type FS IGBT was designed and the electrical properties of the NPT IGBT and Planar type FS IGBT were compared.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (12)

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