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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The insulation of a building envelope influences the hygrothermal performance as well as the thermal performance of the building. While most of Korean wood frame houses have an interior insulation system, the exterior insulation system with high thermal performance has recently been applied. While i...


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AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

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가설 설정

  • The risk of mould growth increases at an indoor setting temperature below 21℃, except in Area d. In addition, it was confirmed that the standard temperature of mould growth risk increased in Area a and Area c. Because the outdoor relative humidity is higher toward Area c, the water content of the wall increased. Consequently, the mould growth rate increased despite having the same temperature and substrate as that of Area a because the humidity of the indoor wall surface increased.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (12)

  1. Budaiwi, I., Abdou, A. 2013. The impact of thermal conductivity change of moist fibrous insulation on energy performance of buildings under hot-humid conditions, Energy and Buildings 60: 388-399. 

  2. Fedorik, F., Malaska, M., Hannila, R., Haapala, A. 2015. Improving the thermal performance of concrete-sandwich envelopes in relation to the moisture behaviour of building structures in boreal conditions, Energy and Buildings 107: 226-233. 


  4. Kim, S., Yu, S., Seo, J., Kim, S. 2013. Thermal Performance of Wooden Building Envelope by Thermal Conductivity of Structural Members, Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology 41(6): 515-527. 

  5. Kuenzel, H. M., Holm, A. 1999. Practical assessment of plasters by modern building physical assessment, WTA series of publications. 

  6. Kwon, Y-C. 2012. High-Efficiency Insulation for Passive Houses, Proceedings of the SAREK 2012 Winter Annual Conference, 326-333. 

  7. Mudarri, D., Fisk, W. J. 2007. Public health and economic impact of dampness and mold, International Journal of Indoor Environment and Health 17(3): 226-235. 

  8. Ojanen, T., Airaksinen, M. 2015. Moisture performance of energy efficient buildings, Proc. of 7th Passivhus Norden conference Sustainable Cities and Buildings, pp. 1-8. 

  9. Pasztory, Z., Peralta, P. N., Molnar, S., Peszlen, I. 2012. Modeling the hygrothermal performance of selected North American and comparable European wood-frame house walls, Energy and Buildings 49: 142-147. 

  10. Richardson, G., Eick, S., Jones, R. 2005. How is the indoor environment related to asthma?: literature review, Journal of Advanced Nursing 52(3): 328-339. 

  11. Winistorfer, P., Chen, Z., Lippke, B., Stevens, N. 2005. Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions related to the use, maintenance, and disposal of a residential structure, Wood and Fiber Science: 128-139. 

  12. Yu, S-G., Kim, S., Seo, J., Kim, S. 2013. Analysis of Energy Efficiency of Light-Weigh Wood Frame House and Wooden Passive House Using PHPP, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea 29(8): 199-207. 

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