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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This retrospective study evaluated the effect of age at first calving on the productive and reproductive performance in Holstein dairy cattle. Data were collected on 2,297 lactations from 19 dairy farms, including dates of birth, insemination, pregnancy, calving, and lactation and milk production (3...


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AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

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문제 정의

  • Thus, establishment of the optimal age at first calving, which may affect subsequent milk production, productive life, reproduction, and culling, is required to maximize net returns in dairy farms. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to determine the effect of age at first calving on the productive and reproductive performance in Holstein dairy cattle.
  • This study evaluated the effect of age at first calving on the productive and reproductive performance in Holstein dairy cattle. Cows calving at a young age (< 24 months) had a low lifetime milk yield but a shorter second calving interval, whereas cows calving at an old age (> 28 months) had a longer second calving interval than cows calving at a moderate age (24 ≤ and ≤ 28 months).
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (22)

  1. Bayram B, Yanar M, Okbulut O. The effect of average daily gain and age at first calving on reproductive and milk production traits of Brown Swiss and Holstein Friesian cattle. Bulg J Agric Sci 2009; 15: 453-462. 

  2. Berry DP, Cromie AR. Associations between age at first calving and subsequent performance in Irish spring calving Holstein-Friesian dairy cows. Livest Sci 2009; 123: 44-54. 

  3. Bielfeldt JC, Tolle KH, Badertscher R, Krieter J. Longevity of Swiss Brown cattle in different housing systems in Switzerland. Livest Sci 2006; 101: 134-141. 

  4. Chirinos Z, Carabano MJ, Hernandez D. Genetic evaluation of length of productive life in the Spanish Holstein-Friesian population. Model validation and genetic parameters estimation. Livest Sci 2007; 106: 120-131. 

  5. Cooke JS, Cheng Z, Bourne NE, Wathes DC. Association between growth rates, age at first calving and subsequent fertility, milk production and survival in Holstein-Friesian heifers. Open J Anim Sci 2013; 3: 1-12. 

  6. Curran RD, Weigel KA, Hoffman PC, Marshall JA, Kuzdas CK, Coblentz WK. Relationships between age at first calving; herd management criteria; and lifetime milk, fat, and protein production in Holstein cattle. PAS 2013; 29: 1-9. 

  7. Ducrocq V. Statistical analysis of length of productive life for dairy cows of the Normande breed. J Dairy Sci 1994; 77: 855-866. 

  8. Ettema JF, Santos JEP. Impact of age at calving on lactation, reproduction, health, and income in First-parity Holsteins on commercial farms. J Dairy Sci 2004; 87: 2730-2742. 

  9. Evans RD, Wallace M, Garrick DJ, Dillon P, Berry DP, Olori V. Effects of calving age, breed fraction and month of calving on calving interval and survival across parities in Irish spring-calving dairy cows. Livest Sci 2006; 100: 216-230. 

  10. Gardner RW, Smith LW, Park RL. Feeding and management of dairy heifers for optimal lifetime productivity. J Dairy Sci 1988; 71: 996-999. 

  11. Gill GS, Allaire FR. Relationship of age at first calving, days open, days dry, and herdlife to a profit function for dairy cattle. J Dairy Sci 1976; 59: 1131-1139. 

  12. Heinrichs AJ, Wells SJ, Hurd HS, Hill GW, Dargatz DA. The national dairy heifer evaluation project: A profile of heifer management practices in the United States. J Dairy Sci 1994; 77: 1548-1555. 

  13. Heinrichs AJ, Heinrichs BS, Harel O, Rogers GW, Place NT. A prospective study of calf factors affecting age, body size, and body condition score at first calving of Holstein dairy heifers. J Dairy Sci 2005; 88: 2828-2835. 

  14. Krpalkova L, Cabrera VE, Kvapilik J, Burdych J, Crump P. Associations between age at first calving, rearing average daily weight gain, herd milk yield and herd production, reproduction, and profitability. J Dairy Sci 2014; 97: 6573-6582. 

  15. Lin CY, McAlllister AJ, Batra TR, Lee AJ. Effects of early and late breeding heifers on multiple lactation performance of dairy cows. J Dairy Sci 1988; 71: 2735-2743. 

  16. Niforooshan MA, Edriss MA. Effect of age at first calving on some productive and longevity traits in Iranian Holsteins of the Isfahan province. J Dairy Sci 2004; 87: 2130-2135. 

  17. Ojango JMK, Ducrocq V, Pollott GE. Survival analysis of factors affecting culling early in the productive life of Holstein-Friesian cattle in Kenya. Livest Prod Sci 2005; 92: 317-322. 

  18. Pirlo G, Miglior F, Speroni M. Effect of age at first calving on production traits and on difference between milk yield returns and rearing costs in Italian Holsteins. J Dairy Sci 2000; 83: 603-608. 

  19. Serjsen K. Mammary development. In calf and heifer rearing: Principles of rearing the modern dairy heifer from calf to calving. 1st ed. Ed Garnsworthy PC. Nottingham University Press. 2005: 237-251. 

  20. Tozer PR, Heinrichs AJ. What affects the costs of raising replacement dairy heifers: A multiple-component analysis. J Dairy Sci 2001; 84: 1836-1844. 

  21. Vukasinovic N, Moll J, Casanova L. Implementation of a routine genetic evaluation for longevity based on survival analysis techniques in dairy cattle populations in Switizerland. J Dairy Sci 2001; 84: 2073-2080. 

  22. Zavadilova L, Stipkova M. Effect of age at first calving on longevity and fertility traits for Holstein cattle. Czech J Anim Sci 2013; 58: 47-57. 

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