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[국내논문] 고속 원심홴의 공력성능 향상을 위한 에어포일 임펠러 적용
Application of Airfoil Impeller for Enhancement of Aerodynamic Performance of High Speed Centrifugal Fan 원문보기

大韓機械學會論文集. Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers. B. B, v.40 no.5 = no.368, 2016년, pp.321 - 327  

박경현 (삼성전기 중앙연구소) ,  박창환 (삼성전기 중앙연구소)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

본 연구에서는 고속 회전을 하는 진공청소기용 원심홴의 공력성능 향상을 위해 에어포일 임펠러(Airfoil Impeller)의 적용을 검토 및 연구하였다. 에어포일 최대두께 및 최대두께 위치에 따라 3종의 에어포일 임펠러를 제시하였고, 이때 C4 에어포일 두께분포를 이용하였다. 에어포일 임펠러의 성능 평가는 전산유체역학(Computational Fluid Dynamics) 해석과 흡입일률시험을 통해 수행되었다. 이를 통해 에어포일 형상 적용 시 기존 블레이드 형상에 비하여 임펠러 블레이드 압력면과 디퓨져 블레이드 압력면에서 발생하는 유동박리가 크게 줄어드는 것을 확인하였다. 그리고 이로 인해 기존 원심홴에 비하여 홴 효율이 약 3% 증가 및 비소음이 약 1.3dB(A) 감소되는 것을 확인하였다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This paper presents the application of airfoil impeller for enhancement of aerodynamic performance of a high speed centrifugal fan. Three airfoil impellers are proposed, considering the maximum thickness and the location of maximum thickness of the airfoil. C4 airfoil thickness distribution is appli...


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문제 정의

  • 이에 본 연구에서는 고속회전용 임펠러 블레이드에 에어포일 형상을 적용하였으며, 그에 따른 홴의 성능특성을 연구하였다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (18)

  1. Bicek, A., Markic, I., Rihtarsic, J., Rejec, J. and Cudina, M., 2014, "Vacuum Cleaner Suction Unit Performance and Noise Characterization - an Overview," 6th congress of Alps-Adria Acoustics Association, Graz, Austria. 

  2. https://ec.europa.eu/energy/en/topics/energyefficiency/energy-efficient-products 

  3. Khelladi, S., Kouidri, S., Bakir, F. and Rey, R., 2005, "Flow Study in the Impeller-Diffuser Interface of a Vaned Centrifugal Fan," ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 127, No. 3, pp.495-502. 

  4. Khelladi, S., Sarraf, C., Bakir, F. and Rey, R., 2010, "Study of a High Rotational Speed Shrouded Centrifugal Fan: Aerodynamics and Effects of a Shroud-Associated Cavity on the Performance," Journal of power and energy, Vol. 224, No. 5, pp. 691-700. 

  5. Li, H., 2009, "Fluid Flow Analysis of a Single-Stage Centrifugal Fan with a Ported Diffuser," Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp.147-163. 

  6. Jeon, W. H., Baek, S. J. and Kim, C. J., 2003, "Analysis of the Aeroacoustic Characteristics of the Centrifugal Fan in a Vacuum Cleaner," Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 268, pp.1025-1035. 

  7. Kang, S. H. and Hu, S., 1998, "Performance of NACA 65-810 Radial Airfoil impeller," Journal of Fluid Machinery, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 24-31. 

  8. Park, S. T., Choi, Y. S., Park, M. S., Kim, C. H. and Kwon, O. M., 2004, "Numerical Study on the Performance Improvement of the Sirocco Fan in a Range Hood," Proceedings of 2004 Annual Meeting of Korean Fluid Machinery Association, pp. 572-577. 

  9. Lee, J. S. and Jang C. M., 2014, "Performance Characteristics of the Double-Inlet Centrifugal Blower according to the Shape of an Impeller," Journal of Fluid Machinery, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 28-34. 

  10. Lin, S. C. and Huang, C. L., 2001, "An Integrated Experimental and Numerical Study of Forward-curved Centrifugal Fan," Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 26, pp. 421-434. 

  11. IEC 60312-1, 2010, Vacuum Cleaners for Household Use - Part 1: Dry Vacuum Cleaners - Methods of Measuring Performance, International standard, The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), Edition 1.0. 

  12. ANSI/AMCA 210-99, 1999, Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Aerodynamic Performance Rating, Air Movement and Control Association, Inc. 

  13. Park, C.H., Jun, S. O., Park, K. H., Lee, S. J. and Chang, K.S., 2015, "Methodology for System-Level Analysis of a Fan-Motor Design for a Vacuum Cleaner," submitted for publication. 

  14. Carter, A. D. S., 1950, "The Low Speed Performance of Related Aerofoils in Cascade," ARC Technical Report, CP No. 290. 

  15. David, J. and Nicholas, C. B., 1997, Introduction of Turbomachinery, Concepts ETI, Inc. & Oxford University Press. 

  16. Lee, S., 2011, Fluid Machinery, Yas Media, Seoul. 

  17. Baskharone, E. A., 2006, Principles of Turbomachinery in Air-Breathing Engine, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 

  18. Jeon, W. H., Beak, S. J. and Kim, C. H., 2003, "A Study on the Identification of Aeroacoustic Noise Reduction for a Vacuum Cleaner," Transaction of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 6, pp. 460-466. 

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