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[국내논문] 심미치료의 진단을 부탁해
Diagnosis of Esthetic treament 원문보기

大韓齒科醫師協會誌 = The journal of the Korean dental association, v.54 no.1, 2016년, pp.8 - 15  

백장현 (경희대학교치과병원 치과보철과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

To improve esthetics and gain beautiful smile, the maxillary anterior dentition is crucial. Through alteration of height, arrangement or color of the maxillary incisor, we can rehabilitate the esthetic smile. The perception of dental esthetics is highly subjective. Personal perceptions or judgement ...


참고문헌 (30)

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  28. Chiche GJ, Kokich VG, Caudill R. Diagnosis and treatment planning of esthetic problems. In: Chiche GJ, Pinault A (eds). Esthetics of Anterior Fixed Prosthodontics. Chicago: Quintessence, 1994:33-52 

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  30. Chu SJ, Tarnow DP et al. papilla proportion in the maxillary anterior dentition Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2009;29:385-93 

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