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유도무기 임무 분석을 위한 레이더 성능 모델
A Radar Performance Model for Mission Analyses of Missile Models 원문보기

韓國軍事科學技術學會誌 = Journal of the KIMST, v.20 no.6, 2017년, pp.822 - 834  

김진규 (국방과학연구소 제1기술연구본부) ,  우상효 (국방과학연구소 제1기술연구본부)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In M&S, radar model is a software module to identify position data of simulation objects. In this paper, we propose a radar performance model for simulations of air defenses. The previous radar simulations are complicated and difficult to model and implement since radar systems in real world themsel...


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제안 방법

  • For the future works, we plan to define functionality of seeker performance model in our missile behavior model. At the conclusion, we design and implement the seeker model in M&S that is completely operated by measured performance data in real world like our radar performance model in this paper.
  • First, the calculations of azimuth, elevation and slant range are obtaining relative azimuth, elevation, and distances from our radar position to a target position in 3 dimensions. Equation (1) shows expressions for a relative azimuth angle from the radar To a target.
  • In this paper, we focused on radar systems for air defenses, and we attempted to design our radar performance model to be a simple model and feasible to visual verifications. In the design of our radar model, we have carried out reducing gaps between simulation data and real world data in mission level analyses of our missile model.
  • 6 illustrates the processes of our radar model. The objective of the radar model is to obtain a data set: observed longitude, latitude and altitude of a target at current simulation time. The radar performance model consists of seven phases in two calculations, two computations, and three models; ① Azimuth, Elevation, and Slant Range Calculation, ② Real RCS Computation,③ Detection Range Computation, ④ Azimuth and Elevation Coverage Calculation, ⑤ RCS Estimation Model, ⑥ Line Of Sight Model, and ⑦ Longitude Latitude and Altitude Estimation Model.
  • The objective of the radar model is to obtain a data set: observed longitude, latitude and altitude of a target at current simulation time. The radar performance model consists of seven phases in two calculations, two computations, and three models; ① Azimuth, Elevation, and Slant Range Calculation, ② Real RCS Computation,③ Detection Range Computation, ④ Azimuth and Elevation Coverage Calculation, ⑤ RCS Estimation Model, ⑥ Line Of Sight Model, and ⑦ Longitude Latitude and Altitude Estimation Model. The calculation means an acquisition of values with a single equation.
  • In this phase, the radar model calculates minimum azimuth/elevation angles and maximum azimuth/elevation angles at current simulation time according to its scan time. Then, the model determines whether a target is in its coverages with relative azimuth and elevation to the target, resulted from azimuth, elevation, and slant range calculation phase. In the following three subsections, we discuss the remaining three models in our radar model.
  • Therefore, in this paper, we transform these complex radar systems into a simple model for analyzing mission planning results of our missile models based on time and spatial domains. In the following section, we will discuss the design solutions of our simple radar model.
  • With those results, we could compare them in views of RCS exposure time, RCS fluctuation, and average of slant range error. In other words, we can conclude thaTLess RCS exposure time is the most proper mission planning result in our missile model.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (11)

  1. Jingyu Kim, "Design of the Radar Performance Model for Mission analyses of Missile Models," KIMST Fall Conference Proceedings, pp. 447-448, 2016. 

  2. Jingyu Kim, “HLA/RTI based on the Simulation Composition Technology,” Journal of the KIMST, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 244-251, 2016. 

  3. BAE SYSTEMS, SADM-AE USER'S Guide, Vol. 1: Theory, Australia Ltd. 2012. 

  4. Bassem R. Mahafza, Radar System Analysis and Design Using MATLAB, CHAPMAN & HALL/CRC, 2000. 

  5. Sandwell, David T., Reference Earth Model-WGS84, 2002(accessed via topex.ucse.edu/geodynamics/). 

  6. U. S. Naval Research Laboratory, SIMDIS User Manual. Visualization System Integration Section. Code 5773, 2012. 

  7. The MathWorks, Mapping Toolbox For Use with MATLAB, User's Guide Version 2, The MathWorks Inc., 2004. 

  8. Roger Aarenstrup, Managing Model-Based Design, The MathWorks Inc, 2015. 

  9. M. D. Pretty, R. W. Franceschini, J. Panagos, "Multi-Resolution Combat Modeling," In Engineering Principles of Combat Modeling and Distributed Simulation, Edited by A. Tolk, pp. 607-640, John Wiley & Sons, 2012. 

  10. Morris R. Driels, "Introduction to Statistical Methods," In Weaponeering Conventional Weapon System Effectiveness, Second Edition, America Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics(AIAA), 2013. 

  11. Teledyne Brown Engineering Inc., User's Manual EXTENTED AIR DEFENSE SIMULATION (EADSIM), Ver. 16.00, 2010. 

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