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[국내논문] 재무비율분석을 중심으로 한 패션기업의 경영성과 특성
A Study on the Characteristics of Business Performance in Fashion Company Focused on Financial Ratio Analysis

服飾 = Journal of the Korean Society of Costume, v.67 no.7, 2017년, pp.103 - 117  

지혜경 (한성대학교 글로벌패션산업학부 부)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The objective of this study is to investigate the financial performance of fashion companies, and the effects of liquidity, stability, and activity on profitability, during the fashion industry's current recession. To do so, the financial data from income statements and balance sheets that was discl...


참고문헌 (35)

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