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[국내논문] 클라우드에서 드론과 SDN/NFV의 융합
Convergence of Drone and SDN/NFV in Cloud 원문보기

한국지능시스템학회 논문지 = Journal of Korean institute of intelligent systems, v.27 no.3, 2017년, pp.224 - 229  

김영화 (한국전자통신연구원)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

초연결 사회제4차 산업혁명에서 중요한 센서형 디바이스 중 하나인 드론은 군사용, 취미용, 상업용에서 놀랄만한 발전을 보이고 있다. 하지만, 드론의 기체 작동이나 응용 서비스가 특정 기체에 종속되어 있고, 하나의 드론 제작 기관이 기체에서부터 응용 서비스까지 모든 것을 다루기 때문에 다양한 기술적 전문성과 즉시적인 사용자 요구사항에 대응하는데 한계가 있다. 본 논문에서는 이런 구조적 문제점을 해결하기 위해 참고할만한 사례를 알아보고, 드론과 서로 다른 기술처럼 보이는 클라우드 컴퓨팅 그리고 SDN/NFV 기술이 왜 어떻게 서로 융합되어야 하는지를 제안한다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

One of the most important sensor-based devices in the hyper-connected societies and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, drones have made remarkable progress in military, hobby, and commercial applications. However, there are limitations in dealing with various technical expertise and immediate user re...


참고문헌 (21)

  1. http://www.etnews.com/2016082400037 

  2. http://www.edaily.co.kr/news/NewsRead.edy?SCDJC61&newsid01161126612749616&DCDA00306&OutLnkChkY 

  3. http://skccblog.tistory.com/2887 

  4. http://it.chosun.com/news/article.html?no2818012 

  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_robotics 

  6. http://www.irobotnews.com/news/articleView.html?idxno8221 

  7. http://www.itnews.or.kr/?p14737 

  8. http://www.fnnews.com/news/201608110935004323 

  9. Myeong Hak Heo, Kyung Hyune Rhee, "Utilizing Plans Security Requirements of Vehicular Cloud Computing," Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology, Vol. 24 No. 2, Apr. 2014 

  10. Md Whaiduzzaman, MehdiSookhak, AbdullahGani, RajkumarBuyya, "A survey on vehicular cloud computing," Journal of Network and Computer Applications, p325-344, 2014 

  11. Euisin Lee, Eun-Kyu Lee, and Mario Gerla, Soon Y. Oh, "Vehicular Cloud Networking: Architecture and Design Principles," p148-155, IEEE Communications Magazine, Feb. 2014 

  12. Sun Hee Yang, Tae Sang Choi, Saehoon Kang, "Technical Trend and Prospect of SDN Technology," Broadcasting and Technology, May 2014 

  13. Jong Hwa Lee, "Standardized Trend of ETSI NFV Technology," TTA Journal Vol. 151, p39-44, Jan. 2014 

  14. http://www.ddaily.co.kr/cloud/news/article.html?no 142122 

  15. Young Hwa Kim, Saehoon Kang, Chunglae Cho, Soomyung Pahk, "SDN-based Orchestration for Interworking Cloud and Transport Networks," ICTC, Oct. 2016 

  16. Sang Eun Oh, "Techincal Trend and Enterprise's Action Plan of Drone," Korea Embedded Software and System Industry Asssociation, ISSUE REPORT 2016-04, Aug, 2016 

  17. DJI, PHANTOM 4 User Manual, V1.2, Apr. 2016 

  18. Hyun Ho Yoo, Byung Jae Choi, "Design of Simple-structured Fuzzy Logic Systems for Quad-copter," JKIIS Vol. 25, No. 6, p600-606, Dec. 2015 

  19. Eun Hey Sun, Tran Huu Luat, Dong Yeon Kim, Yong Tae Kim, "A Study on the Image-based Automatic Flight Control of Mini Drone," JKIIS Vol. 25, No. 6, p536-541, Dec. 2015 

  20. Sung Tae Moon, Yeon Ju Choi, Do Yoon Kim, Hyeon Cheol Gong, "Outdoor Swarm Flight System Based on the Relative Position Estimation," Korea Computer Congress, Jul. 2016 

  21. Hee Wook Kim, Kun Seok Kang, Dae Ik Chang, Jae Young Ahn, "Technical Standardization Trends on Control and Non-payload Communication for Unmanned Aircraft Systems," ETRI Electronics and Telecommunications Trends Vol. 30, No. 3, Jun. 2015 

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