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[국내논문] Effects of a traditional Chinese medicine formula and its extraction on muscle fiber characteristics in finishing pigs, porcine cell proliferation and isoforms of myosin heavy chain gene expression in myocytes 원문보기

Asian-Australasian journal of animal sciences, v.30 no.11, 2017년, pp.1620 - 1632  

Yu, Qin Ping (College of Animal Science, South China Agricultural University) ,  Feng, Ding Yuan (College of Animal Science, South China Agricultural University) ,  He, Xiao Jun (College of Animal Science, South China Agricultural University) ,  Wu, Fan (College of Animal Science, South China Agricultural University) ,  Xia, Min Hao (College of Animal Science, South China Agricultural University) ,  Dong, Tao (College of Animal Science, South China Agricultural University) ,  Liu, Yi Hua (College of Animal Science, South China Agricultural University) ,  Tan, Hui Ze (Guangdong Wen's Foodstuffs Group Co., Ltd.) ,  Zou, Shi Geng (Guangdong Wen's Foodstuffs Group Co., Ltd.) ,  Zheng, Tao (Nong Zhi Dao Co., Ltd.) ,  Ou, Xian Hua (Nong Zhi Dao Co., Ltd.) ,  Zuo, Jian Jun (College of Animal Science, South China Agricultural University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objective: This study evaluated the effects of a traditional Chinese medicine formula (TCMF) on muscle fiber characteristics in finishing pigs and the effects of the formula's extract (distilled water, ethyl acetate and petroleum ether extraction) on porcine cell proliferation and isoforms of myosin...


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