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치의학 분야의 신의료기술 동향 분석
Trend analysis of new health technology in dentistry 원문보기

大韓齒科醫師協會誌 = The journal of the Korean dental association, v.55 no.7, 2017년, pp.440 - 448  

이종호 (서울대학교치과병원 치과의료기기 중개임상시험지원쎈터) ,  김민정 (서울대학교치과병원 치과의료기기 중개임상시험지원쎈터) ,  임다움 (서울대학교치과병원 치과의료기기 중개임상시험지원쎈터) ,  심보균 (서울대학교치과병원 치과의료기기 중개임상시험지원쎈터) ,  임영준 (서울대학교치과병원 치과보철과) ,  김수관 (조선대학교 치과병원 구강악안면외과) ,  김만용 (서울대학교치과병원 치과의료기기 중개임상시험지원쎈터) ,  김봉주 (서울대학교치과병원 치과의료기기 중개임상시험지원쎈터)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objectives : Currently, it is being reported that new health technology (HT) is introduced and spread throughout Korea at a very fast rate. However, the current status of new HT related to dentistry has not been known or studied. Therefore, this study aims to understand the present state and awarene...


참고문헌 (5)

  1. Lee UY, Yu GC, Jeong YH, Lim JY, Go SJ, Park SJ, et al. Policy directions to facilitate the economic evaluation of new health technologies: focused on pharmaceuticals. Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs. 2005:1-17. 

  2. Frans FH, Gouke J. High cost technology in health care: a benefit or a burden? Social Science and Medicine. 1992 ; 35(4) : 567-77. 

  3. Jun OC. The definition and present status of new health technology. Korean Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2008 ; 4(2) : 4-15. 

  4. Lee M, Ahn J. The current status and future direction of Korean health technology assessment system. J Korean Med Assoc. 2014 ; 57(11) : 906-911. 

  5. Evaluation of new health technology. [serial online] 2007 Mar-2012 Mar[cited 2012 Mar 2] : [1-99 screens]. Available from : http://nhta.or.kr/nHTA/03_report/02_condition.jsp (2016.05.02). 

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