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Efficient and Exact Extraction of the Object Wave in Off-axis Digital Holography 원문보기

Current optics and photonics, v.2 no.6, 2018년, pp.547 - 553  

Jang, Jin (Department of Photonic Engineering, Chosun University) ,  Jeon, Jun Woo (Department of Photonic Engineering, Chosun University) ,  Kim, Jin Sub (Department of Photonic Engineering, Chosun University) ,  Joo, Ki-Nam (Department of Photonic Engineering, Chosun University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this paper, a new method for spatial filtering in digital holography is proposed and verified by simulations compared to conventional methods. The new method is based on the simultaneous acquisition of two digital holograms, which can be separated by distinct spatial modulation, in a single image...


표/그림 (9)

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제안 방법

  • 8(a) and 8(b), the result of the new method has no noise caused by the DC term opposed to the result by the conventional method. Furthermore, in order to evaluate the performance of this new method, the root mean square (RMS) value of the difference between the reconstructed height map and the original height map was calculated and compared with the result of the conventional method. For this evaluation, the amplitude ratio between the reference and object waves varied from 0.
  • In order to validate the effectiveness of the new method, a simulation was performed with the new filtering technique compared to the conventional spatial filtering technique based on band-pass filtering [9]. For generating the digital hologram, a USAF 1951 test target image (899´899) was used as shown in Fig.
  • In the proposed method, two reference waves (R1 and R2), which have different spatial modulation directions, are used for recording digital holograms. This is contrary to conventional off-axis DH which typically uses only one reference wave.
  • In this investigation, a new method for spatial filtering in digital holography was proposed and verified with simulation work. To summarize, the new method is based on the simultaneous acquisition of two digital holograms, which can be separated by their distinct spatial modulation, in a single image.
  • 2(b). It is based on the fact that the spatial modulation frequencies of the reference waves can be located in the diagonal axes in the spatial frequency domain and most of the overlapping region between the DC term and object wave term is placed in one quadrant of spatial frequency contents of the object wave.
  • 7(a). It was verified that the proposed method could reconstruct the 3D target successfully without any effort to adjust the band pass filter manually. Moreover, this new method could provide better quality to the reconstructed 3D object compared to the previous method.
  • In this paper, a novel and effective spatial filtering technique to extract the exact object wave in off-axis DH is proposed. The new method for spatial filtering is based on the simultaneous acquisition of two digital holograms, which can be separated by their distinct spatial modulation, in a single image. Consequently, the overlapping region between the DC term and the object wave in the first hologram can be replaced with a less-overlapping region of the object wave in the second hologram because the whole image contains two holograms where the same objective wave has been recorded.
  • In this investigation, a new method for spatial filtering in digital holography was proposed and verified with simulation work. To summarize, the new method is based on the simultaneous acquisition of two digital holograms, which can be separated by their distinct spatial modulation, in a single image. It is caused by two reference waves, which have different spatial modulation frequencies.


  • After obtaining the exact object wave in the hologram plane using this new filtering method, the wave propagates from the hologram plane to the object plane numerically based on scalar diffraction theory. By employing the Fresnel approximation, the reconstructed object wave (ψO) can be calculated from the object wave (ψH) in the hologram plane as
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참고문헌 (13)

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  3. T. Colomb, J. Kuhn, F. Charriere, and C. Depeursinge, "Total aberrations compensation in digital holographic microscopy with a reference conjugated hologram," Opt. Express 14, 4300-4306 (2006). 

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  9. E. Cuche, P. Marquet, and C. Depeursinge, "Spatial filtering for zero-order and twin-image elimination in digital off-axis holography," Appl. Opt. 39, 4070-4075 (2000). 

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