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[국내논문] A Study on the Enhancement of Detection Performance of Space Situational Awareness Radar System 원문보기

Journal of astronomy and space sciences, v.35 no.4, 2018년, pp.279 - 286  

Choi, Eun-Jung (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute) ,  Lee, Jonghyun (RFCore Co., Ltd.) ,  Cho, Sungki (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute) ,  Moon, Hyun-Wook (LIGNex1) ,  Yum, Jea-Myong (LIGNex1) ,  Yu, Jiwoong (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute) ,  Park, Jang-Hyun (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute) ,  Jo, Jung Hyun (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Radar sensors are used for space situational awareness (SSA) to determine collision risk and detect re-entry of space objects. The capability of SSA radar system includes radar sensitivity such as the detectable radar cross-section as a function of range and tracking capability to indicate tracking ...


표/그림 (11)

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문제 정의

  • This paper describes the Hough transform algorithm and the reflection signal modeling for space objects. The improvement of the SNR in the Hough transform method is compared to that in the conventional pulse integration method without range compensation and the effect on the SSA radar system specification is described.
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참고문헌 (24)

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