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[해외논문] A Brief Review of κ-Carbide in Fe-Mn-Al-C Model Alloys 원문보기

Applied microscopy, v.48 no.4, 2018년, pp.117 - 121  

Seol, Jae Bok (National Institute for Nanomaterials Technology (NINT), POSTECH)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The multiple length scale analysis of previously designed Fe-Mn-Al-C based low-density model alloys reveals the difference in ordered ${\kappa}-carbide$, $(Fe,Mn)_3AlC_x$, between Fe-25Mn-16Al-5.2C (at%) alloy and Fe-3Mn-10Al-1.2C (at%) alloy. For the former alloy composition c...


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AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

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가설 설정

  • Based on the above-mentioned theoretical approaches and our experimental findings, we propose that the κ-carbides formed in our steels after aging at 600˚C is very stable tetragonal structured Fe2MnAl(C,Va), even after longer aging time.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (13)

  1. Bang C W, Seol J B, Yang Y S, and Park C G (2015) Atomically resolved cementite dissolution governed by the strain state in pearlite steel wires. Scripta Mater. 108, 151-155. 

  2. Chao C Y, Hwang C N, and Liu T F (1993) GRAIN-BOUNDARY PRECIPITATION IN AN FE-7.8 AL-31.7 MN-0.54 C ALLOY. Scripta Metall. Mater. 28, 109-114. 

  3. Choi K, Seo C H, Lee H, Kim S K, Kwak J H, Chin K G, Park K T, and Kim N J (2010) Effect of aging on the microstructure and deformation behavior of austenite base lightweight Fe-28Mn-9Al-0.8C steel. Scripta Mater. 63, 1028-1031. 

  4. Connetable D, and Maugis P (2008) First principle calculations of the ${\kappa}$ -Fe3AlC perovskite and iron-aluminium intermetallics. Intermetallics 16, 345-352. 

  5. Gutierrez-Urrutia I, and Raabe D (2012) Multistage strain hardening through dislocation substructure and twinning in a high strength and ductile weight-reduced Fe-Mn-Al-C steel. Acta Mater. 60, 5791-5802. 

  6. Gutierrez-Urrutia I, and Raabe D (2013) Influence of Al content and precipitation state on the mechanical behavior of austenitic high-Mn low-density steels. Scripta Mater. 68, 343-347. 

  7. Noh J Y, and Kim H (2011) Density Functional Theory Calculations on ${\kappa}$ -carbides, (Fe,Mn)3AlC. J. Kor. Phys. Soc. 58, 285-290. 

  8. Raabe D, Springer H, Gutierrez-Urrutia I, Rosters F, Bausch M, Seol J B, Koyama M, Choi P P, and Tsuzaki K (2014) Alloy Design, Combinatorial Synthesis, and Microstructure-Property Relations for Low-Density Fe-Mn-Al-C Austenitic Steels. JOM 66, 1845-1856. 

  9. Seol J B, Jung J E, Jang Y W, and Park C G (2013) Influence of carbon content on the microstructure, martensitic transformation and mechanical properties in austenite/ ${\varepsilon}$ -martensite dual-phase Fe-Mn-C steels. Acta Mater. 61, 558-578. 

  10. Seol J B, Raabe D, Choi P, Lim Y R, and Park C G (2012) Atomic scale effects of alloying, partitioning, solute drag and austempering on the mechanical properties of high-carbon bainitic-austenitic TRIP steels. Acta Mater. 60, 6183-6199. 

  11. Seol J B, Raabe D, Choi P, and Park H S (2013) Direct evidence for the formation of ordered carbides in a ferrite-based low-density Fe-Mn-Al-C alloy studied by transmission electron microscopy and atom probe tomography. Scripta Mater. 68, 348-353. 

  12. Springer H, and Raabe D (2012) Rapid alloy prototyping: Compositional and thermo-mechanical high throughput bulk combinatorial design of structural materials based on the example of 30Mn-1.2C-xAl triplex steels. Acta Mater. 60, 4950-4959. 

  13. Yao M J, Dey P, Seol J B, Choi P, Herbig M, Marceau R K W, Hickel T, Neugebauer J, and Raabe D (2016) Combined atom probe tomography and density functional theory investigation of the Al offstoichiometry of ${\kappa}$ -carbides in an austenitic Fe-Mn-Al-C low density steel. Acta Mater. 106, 229-238. 


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