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[국내논문] New record of five ciliates(Protozoa, Ciliophora) collected in eastern Gangwon-do Province, South Korea 원문보기

Journal of species research, v.7 no.2, 2018년, pp.181 - 186  

Kim, Ji Hye (Natural Science Research Institute, Gangneung-Wonju National University) ,  Jung, Jae-Ho (Department of Biology, Gangneung-Wonju National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

We investigated five ciliate species from soil, estuary and marine habitats in eastern Gangwon-do Province, South Korea. Morphology was studied through observation of living specimens as well as silver preparations. The species were classified into five genera, five families, five orders and four cl...


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가설 설정

  • Location of contractile vacuole. C. Cortical granules and dorsal kineties on dorsal side. Arrows indicate ellipsoidal granules.
  • Perioral kinety 1 and somatic kineties on left side (arrow marks spherical macronucleus). D. Perioral kinety 2, 3 and somatic kineties on right side (arrowhead indicates spherical micronucleus). CV, contractile vacuole; MA, macronucleus; PK1-3, perioral kinety 1-3; SK, somatic kinety.
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참고문헌 (23)

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  4. Foissner, W., H. Blaterer, H. Berger and F. Kohmann. 1995. Taxonomische und Okologische Revision der Ciliaten des Saprobiensystems, Band IV. Munchen: Informationsberichte des Bayer Landesamtes fur Wasserwirtschaft 1/95:1-540. 

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  11. Kim, J.H. and M.K. Shin. 2016. Two newly recorded vorticellid species (Ciliophora, Oligohymenophorea, Peritrichia) from Jindo Island with other populations in Korea. Anim Syst Evol Divers Special Issue No. 9:10­17. 

  12. Kim, S.-J. and G.-S. Min. 2009. Taxonomic study of pooly-known marine pleurostomatid ciliates of Litonotus paracygnus and L. pictus (Ciliophora: Pleurostomatida) from Korea. Korean J Syst Zool 25:167-178. 

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  14. Lynn, D.H. 2008. The ciliated protozoa: Characterization, classifcation, and guide to the literature. Springer, New York. 

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  16. Moon, J.H., J.H. Kim and J.-H. Jung. 2017. New records of terrestrial and freshwater ciliates (Protozoa: Ciliophora) from Korea: Brief descriptions with notes. J Species Res 6(SE):1-7. 

  17. Park, M.-H., Y.-D. Han, C.B. Kwon, E.S. Lee, J.H. Kim, Y.S. Kang, S.-J. Kim, H.-M. Yang, T. Park, J.-S. Yoo, H.-J. Kil, E. Nam, M.K. Shin and G.-S. Min. 2017. Unrecorded species of Korean ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) discovered through the project of "Discovery of Korean indigenous species" (2006­2010). J Species Res 6(SE):172-176. 

  18. Shazib, S.U.A., P. Vd'acny, J.H. Kim, S.W. Jang and M.K. Shin. 2014. Phylogenetic relationships of the ciliate class Heterotrichea (Protista, Ciliophora, Postciliodesmatophora) inferred from multiple molecular markers and multifaceted analysis strategy. Mol Phylogenet Evol 78:118-135. 

  19. Shin, M.K. 1988. Several hypotrichous ciliates inhabiting the Han River in Seoul. In: Department of Zoology. Seoul National University, Seoul (Thesis). 

  20. Shin, M.K. and H.S. Kim. 1988. Several hypotrichous ciliates inbabiting the Han River in Seoul. Korean J Syst Zool Special Issue No. 2:67-85. 

  21. Song, W. and N. Wilbert. 1989. Taxonomische Untersuchungen an Aufwuchsciliaten (Protozoa, Ciliophora) im Poppelsdorfer Weiher, Bonn. Lauterbornia 3:2-221. 

  22. Warren, A. 1986. A revision of the genus Vorticella (CiliophoraL Peritrichida). Bull Br Mus Nat Hist (Zool) 50:1-57. 

  23. Wu, I. and C. Curds. 1979. A guide to the species of Aspidisca. Bull Br Mus nat Hist (Zool) 36:1-34. 

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