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Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury is Unlikely to Occur when Performing a Stable Weight Lifting Operation 원문보기

한국운동역학회지 = Korean journal of sport biomechanics, v.28 no.4, 2018년, pp.199 - 205  

Moon, Youngjin (Department of Sports Science, Chungnam National University) ,  Moon, Jeheon (Department of Sports Science, Korea Institute of Sport Science, Korea Sports Promotion Foundation)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of increase in barbell weight on closely related variable to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury which are knee joint kinematics, joint load, joint moment, and maximum load attainment point during snatch of the weight lifting. Me...


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제안 방법

  • A three dimensional kinematic analysis was conducted using Qualisys infrared camera system (Oqus 7+, AB, Gothenburg, Sweden) at the sampling frequency of 120 Hz. The ground reaction force was calculated using Kistler force plates Type 9287BA, AG, Winterthur, Switzerland) at sampling frequency of 1,200 Hz.
  • 017. Similarly, Factor analysis was performed to identify the Tpeak components for major ACL injury. Factor extraction was based on principal component and varimax rotation was performed.
  • The aim of our study was to analyze the possibility of ACL injury through change in moment and load of the knee joints with the increase in load in a weightlifting motion. We wanted to ascertain the Tpeak of the major kinematic factors that increase the ACL load.
  • The athletes who were ready after the warm-up had their static posture capture in an anatomical posture for 5 seconds to estimate the center of mass (COM) of the human body.
  • Therefore, it is necessary to research the possibility of ACL injuries and clarify the mechanism of injury by performing lifting operation where a high weighted barbell is lifted above the head. The purpose of this study was to analyze the possibility of ACL injury i.e. change in moment and load of the knee joints when increasing the weight of the barbell, and also to ascertain maximum load attainment point (Tpeak) of the major biomechanical factors that increase the ACL load.
  • The subjects who participated in this study were first informed about the purpose of the study, the process of experiment, and the protection of personal information verbally and signed the consent form.

대상 데이터

  • The athletes participating in this study regularly participate in weightlifting competitions and all have won first place in national competitions. The participants reported no history of pathological abnormalities or injuries to the musculoskeletal system, including knee joints, during the past six months. All participants read the research guide, signed the consent form and participated in the experiment voluntarily and were approved by the Bio-Research Ethics Committee of the Korea Institute of Sport Science (KISS-201511-IFS-034-P1).


  • A one-way ANOVA of repeated measurements was performed to analyze the differences in the dependent variables (ROM, angular velocity, load, moment) according to the increase in the barbell weight (70%, 75%, and 80%). If a statistically significant difference was observed, post-hoc analysis was used to confirm the difference between the samples and the significance level was set to p<.
  • Table 1. Results of One- way repeated measure ANOVA of factors influencing the Knee joint with the increase in load. Mean ± SD


  • , Rockville, MD, USA) was used to calculate the range of motion, maximum angular velocity, shear force and moment variables of the knee joint. The Tpeak factor affecting the ACL injury was calculated using Matlab (ver. R2009b, The MathWorks, Inc., Natick, MA, USA).
  • The range of motion (ROM) of the knee joint and the maximum angular velocity corresponding to the kinematic variables were calculated by the Cardan sequence method using 3D marker coordinates. The flexion / extension movement of the knee joint was set to the x axis, the abduction / abduction was set to the y axis, and the internal/external rotation was set to the z axis.
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