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[국내논문] 자동차 디자인 변화와 자동차산업의 지역 이동 비교 연구
A Study on Comparison of Automobile Design Change and Geographic Shift of Automotive Industry 원문보기

한국자동차공학회논문집 = Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers, v.26 no.4, 2018년, pp.504 - 512  

구상 (국민대학교 자동차운송디자인학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Automobile designs have been changed by multifarious factors according to the times and regions, and the changes have become the reasons for today's diverse automobile designs. However, further estimation for future automotive design changes could be acquired by analyzing the insights from the previ...


참고문헌 (29)

  1. J. Y. Nam, Y. Lee, T. Y. Kim, I. S. Park and H. T. Lee, "A Study on Women's Specific Package Factors for Compact Vehicle," Transactions of KSAE, Vol.22, No.3, pp.157-165, 2014. 

  2. S. B. Jung, "Driving Concept Development for Elderly Drivers," Transactions of KSAE, Vol.22, No.3, pp.234-240, 2014. 

  3. H. J. Song, CEO Report, http://kari.hyundai.com, 2014. 

  4. D. S. Cho and W. J. Choo, Automotive Industry of Korea, SNU Press, Seoul, 1998. 

  5. B. J. Chang, Newly edited Automotive Engineering, Dongmyung-sa, Seoul, 2004. 

  6. S. Koo, A Study on Characterized Automobile Developing, M. S. Thesis, Hongik University, Seoul, 1991. 

  7. S. Koo, An Observation on the Automobile Design Identity Attributes through Automotive Design Elements Analysis, Ph. D. Dissertation, Seoul National University, Seoul, 2007. 

  8. R. Bacon, The Illustrated Motorcar Legend Mercedes Benz, Sunburst Books, London, 1996. 

  9. K. Moser, Geschichte des Autos, Puriwaipar, Seoul, pp.41-44, 2004. 

  10. N. Georgano, The American Automobile A Century 1893-1993, Smithmark, New York, 1993. 

  11. J. Flammang and D. Lewis, Ford Chronicle, Publications International, Illinois, 1992. 

  12. K. Moser, Geschichte des Autos, Puriwaipar, Seoul, pp.41-44, 2007. 

  13. N. Georgano, The American Automobile A Century 1893-1993, Smithmark, New York, 1993. 

  14. P. Wager, VW Beetle, Bromton Books, Greenwich, 1994. 

  15. D. Fetherston, Jeep, Motorbooks International Publishers & Wholesalers, London, 1995. 

  16. M. Buckely, Classic Cars, Anness Publishing, New York, 1999. 

  17. B. Laban, Ferrari, Chartwell Books, New Jersey, 2000. 

  18. J. M. Flammang, Cars of the Fabulous '50s, Publications International, Illinois, 1995. 

  19. As Selected by the Official World-wide Jury of 135 Professional Automotive Journalists, The 100 Candidates, Automotive Events BV, Amsterdam, 1998. 

  20. S. Koo, Hundred Years of Automotive Design, Chohyunggyoyuk, Seoul, 1998. 

  21. N. Georgano, The Art of the American Automobile, Smithmark Publication, New York, 1995. 

  22. P. Roberts, The End of Petrolium, Seohae Mungip, Seoul, 2005. 

  23. I. Shinya, Honda No Design Senryaku Keiei, Nihon Keizai Shibun, Tokyo, 2005. 

  24. B. Alfieri, Pininfarina Mythos, Automobilia, Milano, 1989. 

  25. C. Dawson, Lexus: The Relentless Pursuit, Keorum Publishing, Seoul, 2004. 

  26. J. Yamaguchi and J. Thompson, Mazda MX-5, St.Martin's Press, New York, 1989. 

  27. P. G. Rosengarten, Premium Power, Mireabook, Seoul, 2005. 

  28. C. Cheon, Science of Automobile, Academy Books, Seoul, 1999 

  29. Y. S. Chae, Branding & Marketing, Kihanjae, Seoul, 2009. 

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