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[국내논문] 금융산업보안: 은행권 내부부정 방지를 위한 질적 연구
Financial Industry Security: A Qualitative Study for Reducing Internal Fraud in Banking Institutions 원문보기

한국경호경비학회지 = Korean security science review, no.56, 2018년, pp.165 - 185  

서준배 (경찰수사연수원 지능경제범죄)

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금융산업은 일상 국민 생활경제와 매우 밀접한 관련이 있다. 따라서 저축은행 사태와 같이 금융기관 임직원들에 의한 횡령, 배임 등 부정행위(fraud)가 발생할 경우, 신용경색과 연쇄파산 등 민생경제에 심대한 악영향을 끼칠 수 있다. 이에 외국에서는 금융산업 보안의 중요성이 특히 강조되고 있고, 물적, 인적, 사이버를 통합하는 융합보안(converged security)으로 발전하고 있다. 본 연구는 우리나라 은행권에서 내부 임직원들에 의해 발생하는 부정행위를 방지하는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여, 리스크 관리(risk management) 업무를 담당하고 있는 은행권 임직원, 금융 정책수립 및 규제기관 담당자, 보안전문가 등 총 16 명에 대하여 반구조화된 심층 인터뷰(in-depth semi-structured interview)를 실시하였다. 수집된 데이터를 개인, 조직, 사회 문화적 레벨 등, 세 가지 계층화 수준에서 분석하였고, 이를 바탕으로 금융산업보안(financial industry security)의 발전과 금융권 내부부정 행위 방지를 위한 정책적 권고사항들을 도출하였다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Because financial industry is closely related to the daily lives of people, internal fraud such as embezzlement by the employees can cause serious damage to the national economy, including credit crunch and contagious bankruptcy, as once demonstrated in the Savings Bank Scandal in 2011. Therefore, t...


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문제 정의

  • Fortunately, this study has successfully obtained data by conducting sixteen semi-structured interviews with bank managers and employees in Korean banking industry. Therefore, this study aimed to suggest more effective counter-fraud methods to reduce internal fraud in Korean banking institutions.
  • This study has discussed the issues that relate to the research question: “what and how can systems be improved to reduce internal fraud in Korean banking industry?
  • Furthermore, it was revealed that Korea has enacted the Act on Corporate Governance of Financial Companies in 2017. The aim of the Act is to ensure the sound management of financial companies and to protect depositors, investors, and consumers by prescribing basic matters concerning the governance structures of financial companies. This newly enacted act includes requirements for qualification for executive officers of financial companies, the organization and management of the board of directors, and the internal control system.
  • This study has discussed the issues that relate to the research question: “what and how can systems be improved to reduce internal fraud in Korean banking industry?” For that, qualitative in-depth interviews were analyzed based on three different hierarchical levels; the micro (perpetrator), meso (organizational) and macro (national) aspects of fraud prevention and detection. Based on the analysis of the interview transcripts, the recommendations are presented to reduce internal fraud and improve financial industry security.
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