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완전제어형 식물공장에서 퀴노아 (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.)의 생장을 예측하기 위한 모델 개발
Development of Models for Estimating Growth of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) in a Closed-Type Plant Factory System 원문보기

시설원예ㆍ식물공장 = Protected horticulture and plant factory, v.27 no.4, 2018년, pp.326 - 331  

오스틴 지라파 (제주대학교 원예환경전공) ,  조영열 (제주대학교 원예환경전공)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

작물 생육 모델은 작물의 생육을 이해하고 통합하기 위해 유용한 도구이다. 완전제어형 식물공장에서 엽채류로 활용하기 위한 퀴노아(Chenopodium quinoa Willd.)의 초장, 광합성률, 생장 모델을 예측하기 위한 모델을 1차식, 2차식 및 비선형 및 선형지수 등식을 사용하여 개발하였다. 식물 생육과 수량은 정식 후 5일간격으로 측정하였다. 광합성과 생장 곡선 모델을 계산하였다. 초장과 정식 후 일수(DAT)간의 선형 및 곡선 관계를 얻었으나, 초장을 정확하게 예측하기 위한 모델은 선형 등식이었다. 광합성률 모델을 비선형 등식을 선택하였다. 광보상점, 광포화점, 및 호흡률은 각각 29, 813 and $3.4{\mu}mol{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}s^{-1}$였다. 지상부 생체중과 건물중은 선형관계를 보였다. 지상부 건물중의 회귀계수는 0.75 ($R^2=0.921^{***}$)였다. 선형지수 수식을 사용하여 시간 함수에 따른 퀴노아의 지상부 건물중 증가를 비선형 회귀식으로 수행하였다. 작물생장률과 상대생장률은 각각 $22.9g{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}d^{-1}$ and $0.28g{\cdot}g^{-1}{\cdot}d^{-1}$였다. 이러한 모델들은 정확하게 퀴노아의 초장, 광합성률, 지상부 생체중과 건물중을 예측할 수 있다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Crop growth models are useful tools for understanding and integrating knowledge about crop growth. Models for predicting plant height, net photosynthesis rate, and plant growth of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) as a leafy vegetable in a closed-type plant factory system were developed using empir...


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제안 방법

  • , Lincoln, NE, USA). Plants were randomly selected with 10 replications, and measurements were made on fully expanded leaves.
  • The experiment had a completely randomized design. Statistical analyses were carried out using the SAS system (Release 9.
  • The response of the net photosynthesis rate (Pn) of quinoa to various light levels was measured and modeled (Fig. 3). The non-rectangular hyperbola model (Goudriaan and Van Larr, 1994) was chosen as the response function of net photosynthesis.
  • , 2009; Schlick and Bubenheim, 1996); hence, there are a number of benefits to using these as vegetables. This experiment was carried out to collect basic data which could be used for the predicting potential effects on the growth rates of quinoa in a closed-type plant factory system.

대상 데이터

  • The experiment was conducted in a closed-type plant factory (700×500×300cm, L×W×H) at Jeju National University.
  • San Jose, CA, USA). The number of plants for making the plant height model was 16 plants, and the number of validated plants was 144 plants. Variables were estimated using the Gauss-Newton algorithm, a nonlinear least squares technique.


  • The slopes, intercepts and regression coefficients of the models were compared using the SAS REG procedure. Correlation coefficients were calculated between the measured and estimated data.
  • The experiment had a completely randomized design. Statistical analyses were carried out using the SAS system (Release 9.01, SAS institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA) and SigmaPlot (Version 9.01, Sistat Software Inc. San Jose, CA, USA). The number of plants for making the plant height model was 16 plants, and the number of validated plants was 144 plants.
  • The slopes, intercepts and regression coefficients of the models were compared using the SAS REG procedure.


  • The number of plants for making the plant height model was 16 plants, and the number of validated plants was 144 plants. Variables were estimated using the Gauss-Newton algorithm, a nonlinear least squares technique. The slopes, intercepts and regression coefficients of the models were compared using the SAS REG procedure.
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참고문헌 (17)

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