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장항의 국민주택 건립 배경과 건축·도시적 특징
Construction Background, Architectural and Urban Characteristics of National Housing in Janghang

大韓建築學會論文集. Journal of the architectural institute of korea. 計劃系, v.35 no.12 = no.374, 2019년, pp.127 - 136  

박성신 (군산대학교 건축해양건설융합공학부 건축전공) ,  정재욱 (군산대학교 건축공학과 대학원)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

National Housing in Janghang was built intensively from the mid 1970s to the early 1980s, and has become a collective complex at Jangma-ro and Shinchangdong-ro. This Company House is a typical building for employee welfare, at the same time shows modern industrialization and urbanization. In general...


참고문헌 (15)

  1. Ahn, Y. B. (1977). A Research on Optimum Space Standard for National Housing, Review of Architecture & Building Science, 21(77), 46-52. 

  2. Jeon, N. I. (2010). Spatial History of Korean Housing: 한국 주거의 공간사, Dolbegae. 

  3. Jeon, N. I., Son, S. K., Yang, S. H., & Hong, H. O. (2009). Social History of Korean Housing: 한국 주거의 사회사, Dolbegae. 

  4. Johnson, C. (2012). Bricoleur and Bricolage: From Metaphor to Universal Concept, Paragraph, 35(3), 355-372. 

  5. Kang, D. J. (2013). Exploring a Definition Of Urban Heritage with focused on Urban Regeneration, Journal of Korea Planning Association, 48(6), 253-267. 

  6. Kim, T. Y. (2015). A Research Study on the Architectural Characteristics of old Samcheok Company Housing in Donghae City: focused on A and No. 2, 3 Houses as Registered Cultural Properties, Journal of The Korean Institute of Rural Architecture, 17(1), 19-26. 

  7. Lim, C. B. (2011). Korean Housing, Typology and History: 한국의 주택, 그 유형과 변천사, Dolbegae. 

  8. Pak, S. S. (2011). A Study on Characteristics of the Modern Warehouse in Gunsan and Its Value as Industrial Heritage, Journal of Architectural History, 20(6), 21-40. 

  9. Park, C. S. (2017). Historical Memories of Korean Dwelling: 거주박물지, Jib. 

  10. Park, J. M., & Sung, J. S. (2012). A study on the industrial heritage in Jang hang, The Geographical Journal of Korea, 46(2), 107-120. 

  11. Song, H. J., & Han, D. S. (2015). A Study on the Types and Characteristics of Rural Housing Standard Design in the 1970s, Journal of KHA Conference, 232-239. 

  12. Yoon, J. S. (1977). A Future Prospect for National Housing, Review of Architecture & Building Science, 21(77), 33-37. 

  13. Yoon, J. W., & Lee, C. Y. (1997). A study on the site and floor plan type of official residences during the Japanese colonial period in Taegu province, Journal of The Korean Housing Association, 8(3), 39-48. 

  14. http://futureheritage.seoul.go.kr (2019.11.20) 

  15. http://kosis.kr (2019.11.20) 

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