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[국내논문] 전계결합 무선전력전송의 수신부 감지 방법
A Novel Receiver Sensing Scheme for Capacitive Power Transfer System 원문보기

전력전자학회 논문지 = The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, v.24 no.1, 2019년, pp.62 - 65  

정채호 (School of Electrical Eng., University of Ulsan) ,  임휘열 (School of Electrical Eng., University of Ulsan) ,  최성진 (School of Electrical Eng., University of Ulsan)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Wireless power transfer systems require an algorithm to determine the presence of the target object for mitigating standby power and safety issues. Although many schemes that sense various external objects have been actively proposed for inductive power transfer systems, not many studies on capaciti...


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AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

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제안 방법

  • It is clear that even though various target object detection schemes have been investigated so far in inductive power transfer system, such a study is still not so active for CPT system. Therefore, this paper presents an effective target object detecting algorithm by monitoring the change of the capacitance between the transmitter-side electrodes in the CPT system.
  • The output and the input ports are connected to the two electrodes, respectively. In the proposed method, MCU applies a step voltage, Vstep into the output node and read the Vsense value using analog to digital converter(ADC) of the input port. Because the MCU output and input ports have the internal resistances and capacitances, the step response of Vsense shows the exponential decaying behavior with R-C time constant and is derived as (3) using the transfer function analysis.
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