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여성전용 셰어하우스의 지역 분포특성과 의미에 관한 연구 - 서울의 운영사 관리형 현장 사례를 중심으로 -
Regional Distribution Characteristics and Meanings of Women-only Shared Housings - A Case Study of Agency-managed Shared Housings in Seoul -

大韓建築學會論文集. Journal of the architectural institute of korea. 計劃系, v.35 no.4 = no.366, 2019년, pp.3 - 14  

김나성 (서울대학교 대학원 건축학과) ,  박소현 (서울대학교 건축학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The purpose of this study is to analyze the distribution characteristics of the agency-managed shared housings in Seoul and draw the possible implications from it. The needed data for the study was obtained from an on-line shared housing portal service which provides housing information from various...


참고문헌 (17)

  1. Byun, N. (2018). The current status of the local shared housings and the consumer cognition research, Auri Brief, No.169 (2018-03169), 2-8 

  2. Byun, N., Yoon, J., & Park, S. (2018). Planning at Local Level: Community Housing based on the Sharing Economy, (Research report No.2018-1), Sejong: Auri 

  3. Choi, J., Park, S., & Lee, D. (2016). Focusing on Analysis of Shared Housing on Domestic and Overseas Cases, Journal of the Korean Housing Association, 27(5), 1-10 

  4. Eum, S. (2016). Re-Structuring the City, 1st ed, Seoul, idea, 139-140 

  5. Jang, J., & Kim, Y. (2016). A study on young single female-headed households in Seoul and policy implication, (2016 Policy research -12) Seoul: Seoul Foundation of Women and Family 

  6. Ju, H., & Moon, J. (2015). A study on the Spatial Arrangement and Area of Senior Sharehouses in Japan, Journal of the Korean Housing Association, 26(2), 13-20 

  7. Jang, Y., & Yoo, S. (2017). An Analysis of Residents Satisfaction on Government-Initiated Community Housing, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design, 33(6), 67-76 

  8. Kang, J. (2017). Crime victimization among one-person households, Korean criminological review, 28(2), 287-320 

  9. Kim, D. (2015). A Study of a Shared Housing and Planning Criteria - Focusing on the Domestic Implications and Institutional Analysis of Foreign Shared Housings, Journal of the Korean Housing Association, 26(1), 139-150 

  10. Oh, J., & Choi, J. (2014). A Study on the Demand Characteristics and Influence Factors Affecting Shared House in Korea, Journal of the Korean Housing Association, 25(3), 63-72 

  11. Yeom, H., & Kwon, O. (2014). A Study on the Development of Senior Shared House for the Elderly Living Alone, Journal of the Korean Housing Association, 25(6), 123-132 

  12. KOSTAT. (2017). 2017 Understanding women's life through statistics, [Press release], Seoul: KOSTAT & Ministry of Gender Equality and Family 

  13. The Seoul Institute Future Research Center. (2015). Policy measure for Single-person Household in Seoul, (Research report for Seoul Metropolitan Council), Seoul: The Seoul Institute 

  14. Dimock, M. (2018). Defining generations: Where Millennials end and post-Millennials begin, Pew Research Center, [On-line]. Retrieved September 15, 2018 from http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/03/01/defining-generations-where-millennials-end-and-post-millennials-begin 

  15. Howe, N. (2018). Inside The Millennial-Inspired Co-Living Boom, Forbes, Retrieved October 5, 2018 from https://www.forbes.com/sites/neilhowe/2018/05/28/inside-the-millennial-inspired-co-living-boom/#5045648c3851 

  16. Eventbrite., & Harris Polls. (2014). Millennials Fueling the Experience Economy, [On-line]. Retrieved May 15, 2018 from http://eventbrite-s3.s3.amazonaws.com/marketing/Millennials_Research/Gen_PR_Final.pdf 

  17. The Come and Stay. (2017). Come and Stay Report, [On-line]. Retrieved July 10, 2018 from https://www.thecomenstay.com/article/comeAndRead 

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