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강연선으로 보강된 초고성능 콘크리트 인장부재의 인장강화 및 균열거동 평가
Evaluation on Tension Stiffening and Cracking Behavior of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Members with Strands

大韓建築學會論文集. Journal of the architectural institute of korea. 構造系, v.35 no.5 = no.367, 2019년, pp.125 - 132  

박민국 (서울시립대) ,  한선진 (서울시립대 건축공학과) ,  김강수 (서울시립대 건축학부)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) has high compressive and tensile strengths due to the particle packing, and its ductile behavior can be ensured by utilizing steel fibers. However, since the UHPC members exhibit different characteristics of crack behavior and tensile behavior from normal concr...


참고문헌 (22)

  1. ACI Committee 239, (2015). Ultra-high performance concrete Draft Meeting Agenda, ACI Fall Convention, Denver, Colorado. 

  2. AFGC-Setra. (2013). Ultra high performance fibre-reinforced concretes, Recommendations, Bagneux, France, French Association of Civil Engineering-French Authorities of Civil Engineering Structure Design, and Control. 

  3. Collins, M. P., & Mitchell, D. (1991). Prestressed Concrete Structures, Prentice Hill, 766. 

  4. Deluce, J. R., Lee, S. C., & Vecchio, F. J. (2014). Crack Model for Steel Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Members Containing Conventional Reinforcement, ACI Structural Journal, 111(1), 93-102. 

  5. Droll, K. (2004). Influence of additions on ultra-high performance concretes-grain size optimization, Proceedings of the International Symposium on UHPC, Kassel, Germany, 285-301. 

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  8. Geisenhansluke, C., & Schmidt, M. (2004). Methods for modeling and calculation of high density packing for cement and filler in UHPC, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Concrete, Kassel, Germany, 303-312. 

  9. Graybeal, B. (2006). Material property characterization of ultra-high performance concrete, FHWA-HRT-06-103, U.S. Department of Transportation, 176. 

  10. Graybeal, B. (2007). Compressive behaviour of ultra-high-performance fibre-reinforced concrete. ACI Materials Journal, 104(2), 146-152. 

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  13. Haber, Z., Varga, O. D. L., Graybeal, B., Nakashoji, B., & EI-Helou, R. (2018). Properties and behavior of UHPC-Class Materials, FHW-HRT-18-036, 170. 

  14. Hassan, A., Jones, S., & Mahmud, G. (2012). Experimental test methods to determine the uniaxial tensile and compressive behavior of ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete(UHPFRC), Construction and Building Materials, 37, 874-882. 

  15. Lampropoulos, A. P., Paschalis, S. A., Tsioulou, O. T., & Dritsos, S. E. (2016). Strengthening of reinforced concrete beams using ultra high performance fibre reinforced concrete (UHPFRC), Engineering Structures, 106, 370-384. 

  16. Lofgren, I. (2007). Calculation of crack width and crack spacing, Presented at Nordic Mini-seminar: "Fibre reinforced concrete", Trondheim. 

  17. Moffatt, K. (2001). Analyse de Dalles de Pont avec Armature Reduite et Beton de Fibres Metalliques, Master thesis, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada, 248. (in French) 

  18. Prisco, M. D., Plizzari, G., & Vandewalle, L. (2009). Fibre reinforced concrete: new design perspectives, Materials and Structures, 42, 1261-1281. 

  19. RILEM and Final recommendations of TC 162-TDF. (2003). Test and design methods for steel fibre reinforced concrete, ${\sigma}-{\varepsilon}$ design method, Materials and Structures, 36, 560-565 

  20. Wille, K., Naaman, A., El-Tawil, S., & Parra-Montesinos, G. (2012). Ultra-high performance concrete and fibre-reinforced concrete: Achieving strength and ductility without heat curing, Materials and Structures, 45, 309-324. 

  21. Wu, Z., Shi, C., He, W., & Wu, L. (2016). Effects of steel fiber content and shape on mechanical properties of ultra high performance concrete, Construction and Building Materials, 103(1), 8-14. 

  22. Yang, Y., Walraven, J. C., & Uijl, J. A. D. (2009). Combined effect of fibers and steel rebars in high performance concrete, Heron, 54(2/3), 205-224. 

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