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건식 유리섬유 심재를 사용한 진공단열재의 단열특성에 관한 연구
A Study on the Thermal Insulation Performance of Vacuum Insulation Panel Using Dry Processing Glass Fiber Core

大韓建築學會論文集. Journal of the architectural institute of korea. 構造系, v.35 no.6 = no.368, 2019년, pp.121 - 128  

유채중 (전남대 대학원) ,  김민철 (전남대 대학원) ,  고성석 (전남대 건축공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

There is a big move to build zero-energy buildings in the form of passive houses that reduce energy waste worldwide. Korea has set a goal of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 37% by 2030 through the activation of green buildings, such as strengthening the energy levels of new buildings and im...


참고문헌 (7)

  1. Kim, Y. T. (2018). On Study of Effective Thermal Conductivity by Envelope Material Types of Vacuum Insulation Panel. Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.38 No.2, 288-289 

  2. Song, S. Y., Park, S. h., Koo, B. K., Lim, J, H., & Ryu, S. R. (2013). Performance Evaluation of EIFS Using Vacuum Insulation Panels for Passive and Zero-Energy Apartment Buildings. Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, v.29 n.9, 219-228 

  3. Kim, K. H, & Knowledge Center. (2013). High-efficiency energy green building new technology industry trend analysis(Green Remodeling/Insulator/Window/Envelope/Smart Grid/BEMS) 

  4. Korea Small and Medium Business Administration. (2016). Technology Road Map for SME 2016-2018(Green Manufacturing, Eco Lighting.Construct 02), 211-225 

  5. KS L 9016. (2010). Test Methods For Thermal Transmission Properties of Tthermal Iisulations 

  6. KS A 0006. (2014). Standare Atmospheric Conditions For Testing 

  7. KISTEP (2015). A Study on the Selection of Top Ten Future Technologies of KISTEP in 2015-Future promising technology to cope with social gap and inequality, 141-154 

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