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강우-지하수위 상관성 분석을 통한 사질토층의 수리전도도 산정
Determination of Hydraulic Conductivities in the Sandy Soil Layer through Cross Correlation Analysis between Rainfall and Groundwater Level 원문보기

지질공학 = The journal of engineering geology, v.29 no.3, 2019년, pp.303 - 314  

박승혁 (중앙컨설턴트(주)) ,  손두기 (중앙컨설턴트(주)) ,  정교철 (안동대학교 지구환경과학과)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

얕은 대수층에서 매우 복잡한 함양과정을 거치는 지하수의 함양은 지표와 지하매질의 투수성에 의해 상당한 영향을 받는다. 투수성은 고유투수계수(intrinsic permeability)와 수리전도도(hydraulic conductivity)의 두 가지 개념으로 설명되며 이중 지표매질의 특성만으로 수리전도도를 구하려는 많은 연구가 이루어졌다. 본 연구에서는 경주지역 지하수기초조사에서 수행된 미고결퇴적물의 입도분포곡선과 강우-지하수위 교차상관분석을 토대로 회귀식을 사용하여 강우-지하수위 교차상관분석을 통한 수리전도도 산정식을 제안하고 실제현장에서 수행한 대수성 시험결과와 비교하여 그 적용성을 검토하였다. 그 결과 사질토 기반 충적층대수층에서 Zunker의 경험식에서 산정된 수리전도도와 강우-지하수위 최대 교차상관계수의 상관식이 자연로그형태로 증가하면서 결정계수 0.95 이상으로 매우 큰 상관성을 나타내었고 이 회귀식을 다른 관측공에 적용한 결과 실제 현장에서 수행한 대수성시험 결과와 평균제곱근오차가 2.83%로 나타나 강우-지하수위 모니터링 자료만으로 매우 신뢰할 만한 수리전도도를 추정할 수 있었다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Surface permeability and shallow geological structures play significant roles in shaping the groundwater recharge of shallow aquifers. Surface permeability can be characterized by two concepts, intrinsic permeability and hydraulic conductivity, with the latter obtained from previous near-surface geo...


표/그림 (11)

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AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

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문제 정의

  • 본 연구에서는 강우에 따른 대수층의 지하수위 변화가 비슷한 상대밀도를 갖는 사질토 기반의 대수층에서 어떠한 상관성을 갖는지 살펴보고 이를 통해 수리전도도를 추정하여 수리지질학적 관점에서 그 의미를 살펴보고자 한다.
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참고문헌 (27)

  1. Ahlinhan, M.F., 2012, Stability of non-cohesive soils with respect to internal erosion, International Conference on Scour and Erosion, Paris, France, ICE6, 1-15. 

  2. Beyer, W., 1966, Hydrogeological investigation in the deposition of water pollutants, Journal of Applied Geology, 12(1), 599-606. 

  3. Blohm, F.J.A., 2016, Determination of hydraulic conductivities through grain-size analysis, M.S. Thesis, Boston College University, Boston, 100p. 

  4. Carrier, D., 2003, Goodbye, hazen; hello, kozeny-carman, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoen-vironmental Engineering, 129(11), 1054-1056. 

  5. Chapuis, R.P., 2012a, Predicting the saturated conductivity of soils: a review, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 71(3), 401-434. 

  6. Chapuis, R.P., 2012b, Estimating the in situ porosity of sandy soils sampled in boreholes, Engineering Geology, 141-142, 57-64. 

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  8. Dullien, F.A., 1979, Porous media: Fluid transport and pore structure, Hydrogeology Journal, Academic Press, 396p. 

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  10. Hamm, S.Y., Cheong, J.Y., Lee, J.H., Kim, H.S., Han, J.S., 2005, The comparison of hydraulic conductivity according to the grain size analysis and pumping test, KoSSGE Conference, Apr. 14-15, Gongju, 446-450 (in Korean with English abstract). 

  11. Healy, R.W., 2010, Estimating groundwater recharge, Cambridge University Press, 8-9. 

  12. Hussain, F., Nabi, G., 2016, Empirical formulae evaluation for hydraulic conductivity determination based on grain size analysis, Pyrex Journal of Research in Environmental Studies, 3(3), 26-32. 

  13. Istomina, V.S., 1957, Filtration stability of soils, Gostroizdat, Moscow, Leningrad. 

  14. Kim, T.H., Chung, J.H., Kim, M., Oh, S.H., Lee, J.S., 2014, Analysis of the correlation between geological characteristics and water withdrawals in the laterals of radial collector well, The Journal of Engineering Geology, 24(2), 201-215 (in Korean with English abstract). 

  15. Kruseman, G.P., Ridder, N.P., 1994, Analysis and evaluation of pumping test data, 2nd ed., ILRI Publication 47, 377p. 

  16. Lee, J.Y., Lee, K.K., 2002, A comparative study on characteristics of waterlevel responses to rainfall in the two aquifer systems, Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment, 7(1), 3-14 (in Korean with English abstract). 

  17. McCarthy, P.E., David, F., 2006, Essentials of soil mechanics and foundations, 7 edition, Prentice Hall, New York, 864p. 

  18. Memon, B.A., 1995, Quantitative analysis of springs, Environmental Geology, 26, 111-120. 

  19. Odong, J., 2007, Evaluation of empirical formulas for determination of hydraulic conductivity based on grain size analysis, Journal of American Science, 3(3), 54-60. 

  20. Pliakas, F., Petalas, C., 2011, Determination of hydraulic conductivity of unconsolidated river alluvium from permeameter tests, empirical formulas and statistical parameters effect analysis, Water Resources Management, 25(11), 2877-2899. 

  21. Slichter, C.S., 1899, Theoretical investigation of the motion of groundwaters, USGS 19th Annual Report, 1897-98, Wachington D.C., 295-384. 

  22. Song, Y.S., Lee, N.W., 2011, Unsatured hydraulic conductivity of sand according to relative densities, KSEG Conference, Apr. 7-9, Jeju, 57-60 (in Korean with English abstract). 

  23. Strobel, M., 2005, The early times let's talk water-hydraulic conductivity, USGS, URL http://nevada.usgs.gov/barcass/strobel_articles.htm, 295-384. 

  24. Tillmann, A., Engelert, A., Nyari, Z., Fejes, I., Vanderborght, J., Vereecken, H., 2008, Characterization of subsoil heterogeneity, estimation of grain size distribution and hydraulic conductivity at the Krauthausen test site using Cone Penetration Test, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 95(1-2), 57-75. 

  25. USBR, 1993, Drainage manual: a water resources technical publication, URL https://www.usbr.gov//tsc/techreferences/mands/mands-pdfs/DrainMan.pdf, 212-221. 

  26. Vukovic, M., Soro, A., 1992, Determination of hydraulic conductivity of porous media from grain-size composition, Water Resources Publications, 83p. 

  27. Zimmerman, R., Gudmundur, B., 1996, Hydraulic conductivity of rock fractures, Transport in Porous Media, 23(1), 1-30. 

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