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Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지, v.53 no.6, 2020년, pp.125 - 138  

Ahn, Sang-Hyeon (Center for Theoretical Astronomy, Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

We determine the observing sites for eclipses of large magnitude recorded in ancient Chinese chronicles from 200 BCE to 900 CE, by adopting the difference between terrestrial time and universal time, ΔT, given by Morrison & Stephenson (2004). The records of solar eclipses with large magnitude a...


표/그림 (12)

참고문헌 (33)

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  6. Chapront-Touze, M., & Chapront, J. 1988, ELP 2000-85: A Semi-analytical Lunar Ephemeris Adequate for Historical Times, A&A, 190, 342 

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  9. Chapront, J., Chapront-Touze, M., & Francou, G. 2002, A New Determination of Lunar Orbital Parameters, Precession Constant and Tidal Acceleration from LLR Measurements, A&A, 387, 700 

  10. Espenak, F., & Meeus, J. 2006, Five Millennium Canon of Solar Eclipses: -1999 to +3000 (2000 BCE to 3000 CE), NASA TP-2006-214141 (Greenbelt, Maryland: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) 

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  13. Meeus, J. 1998a, The Effect of Delta T on Astronomical Calculations, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 108, 154 

  14. Meeus, J. 1998b, Astronomical Algorithms, 2nd ed. (Richmond: Willmann-Bell) 

  15. Morrison, L. V., & Stephenson, F. R. 2001, Historical Eclipses and the Variability of the Earth's Rotation, J. Geodyn., 32, 247 

  16. Morrison, L. V. & Stephenson, F. R. 2004, Historical Values of the Earth's Clock Error ΔT and the Calculation of Eclipses, J. Hist. Astron., 35, 327 

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  26. Stephenson, F. R., & Morrison, L. V. 1984, Long-Term Changes in the Rotation of the Earth: 700 BC to AD 1980, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London A, 313, 47 

  27. Stephenson, F. R., Morrison, L. V., & Smith, F. T. 1995, Long-Term Fluctuations in the Earth's Rotation: 700 BC to AD 1990, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 351, 165 

  28. Stephenson, F. R., & Morrison, L. V. 1995, The Variation of UT from 700 BC to the Present, Highlight Astron., 10, 258 

  29. Stephenson, F. R. 1997, Historical Eclipses and Earth's Rotation (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) 

  30. Stephenson, F. R., & Morrison, L. V. 2005, Historical Eclipses, in The Light-Time Effect in Astrophysics, Proc. ASP Conf. Ser., 335, 159 

  31. Stephenson, F. R., Morrison, L. V., & Hohenkerk, C. Y. 2016, Measurement of the Earth's Rotation: 720 BC to AD 2015, Proc. R. Soc. A, 472, 20160404. 

  32. Tanikawa, K. & Soma, M. 2004, ΔT and the Tidal Acceleration of the Lunar Motion from Eclipses Observed at Plural Sites, PASJ, 56, 879 

  33. Watanabe, T. 1979, Nihon Chosen Chugoku nisshoku gesshoku hoten: Treasury of Solar and Lunar Eclipses (in Japanese) (Tokyo: Yuzankaku Press) 


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