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[국내논문] Symptomatology of Citrus mosaic sadwavirus (CiMV) in Some Citrus Cultivars and Effect of CiMV Infection on Citrus Fruit Quality 원문보기

The plant pathology journal, v.36 no.1, 2020년, pp.106 - 110  

Hyun, Jae Wook (Citrus Research Institute, National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, RDA) ,  Hwang, Rok Yeon (Citrus Research Institute, National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, RDA) ,  Choi, Cheol Woo (Citrus Research Institute, National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, RDA) ,  Jung, Kyung Eun (Citrus Research Institute, National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, RDA) ,  Han, Seung Gab (Citrus Research Institute, National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, RDA)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Citrus mosaic sadwavirus (CiMV) is a closely related virus with the Satsuma dwarf virus (SDV) along with Navel orange infectious mottling virus (NIMV), Natsudaidai dwarf virus (NDV), and Hyugagatsu virus (HV). The present study found that the typical symptoms of CiMV-infected citrus fruits include t...


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문제 정의

  • ,1999). Therefore, this study was carried out to investigateCiMV symptoms according to citrus cultivars and the effectsof CiMV on quality of citrus fruit in Korea.
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참고문헌 (11)

  1. Hyun JW Hwang RY Jung KE 2017 Development of multiplex PCR for simultaneous detection of citrus viruses and the incidence of citrus viral diseases in late-maturity citrus trees in Jeju Island Plant Pathol J 33 307 317 10.5423/PPJ.OA.10.2016.0207 28592949 

  2. Hyun JW Min BK Kim HJ Lee PH Kim KS 2009 Simultaneous detection of seven citrus viroids from citrus plants by multiplex real-time PCR 2009 KSPP Annual Meeting and International Conference 204 The Korean Society of Plant Pathology Seoul, Korea 

  3. Imada J Tanaka H Narisawa N 1980 The effect of satsuma dwarf virus and citrus mosaic virus on the growth of citrus trees Bull Fruit Trees Res Stn E 3 75 82 (in Japanese) 

  4. Ito T Ieki H Ozaki K 2002 Simultaneous detection of six citrus viroids and Apple stem grooving virus from citrus plants by multiplex reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction J Virol Methods 106 235 239 10.1016/S0166-0934(02)00147-7 12393154 

  5. Ito T Shiotani H Iwanami T Ozaki K Muramoto K 2007 Genetic diversity and a heterogeneous population of Citrus mosaic virus within a single citrus tree J Gen Plant Pathol 73 147 151 10.1007/s10327-006-0329-1 

  6. Ito T Iwanami T Ieki H Shimomura K Shimizu S Ito T 2004 A new virus related to Satsuma dwarf virus: the nucleotide sequence of the 3′-terminal regions of Hyuganatsu virus RNAs 1 and 2 Arch Virol 149 1459 1465 10.1007/s00705-003-0284-5 15221545 

  7. Iwanami T 2010 Properties and control of Satsuma dwarf virus JARQ 44 1 6 10.6090/jarq.44.1 

  8. Iwanami T Koizumi M 2000 Satsuma dwarf virus group Compendium of citrus diseases Timmer LW Garnsey SM Graham JH 59 American Phytopathological Society St. Paul, MN, USA 

  9. Iwanami T Kondo Y Karasev AV 1999 Nucleotide sequences and taxonomy of satsuma dwarf virus J Gen Virol 80 793 797 10.1099/0022-1317-80-3-793 10092021 

  10. Iwanami T Kondo Y Kobayashi M Han SS Karasev AV 2001 Sequence diversity and interrelationships among isolates of satsuma dwarf-related viruses Arch Virol 146 807 813 10.1007/s007050170149 11402866 

  11. Korkmaz S Garnsey SM Chagas CM Derrick KS Barthe GA Iwanami T Koizumi M Miyakawa T Ito T Lee RF Bar-Joseph M da Graca JV Ahlawat YS Moreno P 2000 Graft-transmissible, systemic diseases Compendium of citrus diseases Timmer LW Garnsey SM Graham JH 46 48 American Phytopathological Society St. Paul, MN, USA 


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