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K-Trade : 데이터 주도형 디지털 무역 프레임워크
K-Trade : Data-driven Digital Trade Framework 원문보기

한국IT서비스학회지 = Journal of Information Technology Services, v.19 no.6, 2020년, pp.177 - 189  

김채미 (가천대학교 소프트웨어학과) ,  노웅기 (가천대학교 소프트웨어학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The OECD has assessed Korea as the third highest in trade facilitation worldwide. The paperless trade of Korea is world class based on uTradeHub : national e-trade service's infrastructure for trade community. Over 800 trade-related document standards provide interoperability of message exchange and...


표/그림 (14)

참고문헌 (16)

  1. 무역협회, "IMF 세계통계/무역통계로 보는 주요국/한국/한국의 무역의존도," http://stat.kita.net/stat/world/major/KoreaStats02.screen. 

  2. Blanchard, J., Y. Belaid, and A. Belaid, "Automatic Generation od a Custom Corpora for Invoice Analysis and Recognition", In Proc. of Workshop on Industrial Applications of Document Analysis and Recognition(ICDAR 2019), Sydney, Australia, 2019, 1-4. 

  3. essDOCS, "CargoDocs", http://essdocs.com. 

  4. FeRD, "ZUGFeRD 2.1.1 Specification", German Forum elektronische Rechnung Deutschland, 2020, 1-25. 

  5. IPPC, "The IPPC ePytho Solutions", https://www.ephytoexchange.org. 

  6. Kipf, T.N. and M. Welling, "Semi-Supervised Classification with Graph Convolutional Networks", In Proc. of 5th Int'l Conf. on Learning Representations(ICLR 2017), Toulon, France, 2017, 1-14. 

  7. Lohani, D., A. Belaid, and Y. Belaid, "Invoice Reading System Using a Graph Convolutional Network", In Proc. of 14th Asian Conf. on Computer Vision(ACCV 2018), Perth, Australia, 2018, 144-158. 

  8. OECD, "Trade Facilitation and the Global Economy", OECD Publishing, Paris, 2018, 1-142. 

  9. OECD, "Trade Facilitation Indicators Simulator/Compare Your Country/Trade Facilitation Indicators/2019 Average Trade Facilitation Performance", https://www1.compareyourcountry.org/trade-facilitation/en/0. 

  10. Palm, R.B., O. Winther, and F. Laws, "Cloud-Scan-A Configuration-Free Invoice Analysis System using Recurrent Newral Networds", In Proc. of 2017 IEEE 14th IAP R Int'l Conf. on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2017), Kyoto, Japan, 2017, 406-413. 

  11. Peterson, D.G., D. Rybacki, and D.E. Wald, "System and Method for Rules-based Control of Custody of Electronic Signature Transactions", DOCUSIGN, INC., U.S. Patent Pub. No. US 2013/0263283 A1, Oct. 2013, 1-9. 

  12. Schnitt, D., "Invoice Classification and Approval System", U.S. Patent Pub. No. US 2020/0013098 A1, 2020, 1-41. 

  13. UN, "E-Government Survey 2020, Digital Government in the Decade of Action for Sustainable Development", UN/DESA, ST/ESA/PAD/SER.E/214, 2020, 1-364. 

  14. UN, "Recommendation and Guidelines on establishing a Single Window Recommendation No 33", UN/CEFACT, ECE/TRADE/352, 2005, 1-37. 

  15. Yao, L., C. Mao, and Y. Luo, "Graph Convolutional Networks for Text Classification", In Proc. of 33rd Conf. on Artificial Intelligence(AAAI 2019), Honolulu, Hawaii, 2019, 7370-7377. 

  16. Zhang, J., F. Ren, H. Ni, Z. Zhang, and K. Wang, "Research on Information Recognition of VAT Invoice Based on Computer Vision", In Proc. of 2019 IEEE 6th Int'l Conf. on Cloud Computing and Intelligence Systems (CCIS 2019), Singapore, 2019, 126-130. 

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