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NTIS 바로가기한국산학기술학회논문지 = Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society, v.21 no.5, 2020년, pp.656 - 663
The study analyzed how F. L. Wright's architectural design concept changed based on Taliesin West (1940). According to the analysis, F. L. Wright was also influenced by the ancient Mayan civilization in addition to the Froebel block and Japanese culture. Wright realized the design style of Mayan civ...
* AI 자동 식별 결과로 적합하지 않은 문장이 있을 수 있으니, 이용에 유의하시기 바랍니다.
S. K. Suh, "A Study on the Total Design Concept Shown in the Works of Frank Lloyd Wright", Journal of the Korean Institute of Interior Design, no.25, p.229, Dec. 2000.
Y. W. Hwang, "A Study on the Analysis of Design Characteristic of Works of Frank Lloyd Wright in Arizona State." Journal of the Korean Institute of Interior Design, v.27, no.3, p.91 Jun. 2018. DOI : https://doi.org/10.14774/JKIID.2018.27.3.090
Y. W. Hwang, "A Study on the Analysis of Outer Wall Design Changing & Characteristic of Housing Works of Frank Lloyd Wright" Journal of the Korean Institute of Interior Design, v.25, no.6, p.33, Dec. 2016. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14774/JKIID.2016.25.6.032
T. J. Hwang, "A Study on the Spatial relations and Shape Rules in Architecture Shown the Froebel's Categories of Building Gifts" Journal of the Korean Institute of Interior Design, no.31, p.13, Apr. 2002.
Y. J. Ra, J. K. Cho, B. P. Hur, "Study on the Space Expression Characteristics presented in Frank Lloyd Wright's Architecture" Journal of the Korean Institute of Spatial Design, p.178, Dec. 2011.
C. H. Hwang, "Detail & Design of F. L. W." Monthly Architecture, p.156, Sept, 2000,
M. S. Shim, J. H. Hahn, "A Study on the Window Design Appeared in the Housing Projects of Frank Lloyd Wright" Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, p.106, Oct. 1998.
S. K. Shinn, H. W. Kim, "A Study on the Influence and Capacity of Japanism in Frank Lloyd Wright's view of Architecture" Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Spring Conference, pp.239-240, Apr. 1999.
K. Y. Lee, C. S. Seo, "An Influence of Japanese Culture on F. L. Wright's Organic Architecture" Journal of the Korean Institute of Interior Design, p.11, Oct. 2004.
S. K. Shinn, H. W. Kim, "A Study on the Influence and Capacity of Japanism in Frank Lloyd Wright's view of Architecture" Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Spring Conference, p.243, Apr. 1999.
L. J. In, Frank Lloyd Wright - Great assets of 20th Century Architecture, eulyyoo press, pp.46-50, 2018
L. J. In, Frank Lloyd Wright - Great assets of 20th Century Architecture, eulyyoo press, pp.190-195, 2018
Y. W. Hwang, "A Study on the Analysis of Outer Wall Design Changing & Characteristic of Housing Works of Frank Lloyd Wright" Journal of the Korean Institute of Interior Design, v.25, no.6, pp.37-38, Dec. 2016. DOI : https://doi.org/10.14774/JKIID.2016.25.6.032
Y. W. Hwang, "A Study on the Organization of Space Analysis of Usonian Houses of Frank Lloyd Wright Using the Space Syntax" Journal of the Korean Institute of Interior Design, v.25, no.3, p.13, Jun. 2016. DOI : https://doi.org/10.14774/JKIID.2016.25.3.01
Y. W. Hwang, "FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT HOUSE EXPLORE" Spacetime Press, p.35, 2013,
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