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천연 잉크로 DTP한 half-linen의 색상 효과 - 한국 고유식물을 모티프로 한 텍스타일 디자인 적용 -
The Color Effect of Half-linen by DTP with Natural Ink - Apply Floral Textile Design with Motif of Korean Endemic Plants - 원문보기

韓國染色加工學會誌 = Textile coloration and finishing, v.33 no.4, 2021년, pp.220 - 229  

심주연 (영남대학교 의류패션학과) ,  박영미 (영남대학교 의류패션학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study is aimed to a textile design with a motif of korean endemic plants and a method for printing it in an eco-friendly manner. The floral pattern with the motif of korean endemic plants was designed using Illustrator and Photoshop program. CMYK color, which is the basic color of Digital Texti...


표/그림 (11)

AI 본문요약
AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

문제 정의

  • 이에 본 연구는 한국 특산 속인 꽃을 모티프로 새로운 한국적 텍스타일 패턴 디자인을 제안하고, 최근 친환경 소재로 주목받고 있는 half-linen의 쪽, 히비스커스, 금잔화 및 숯 등의 천연 잉크에 의한 DTP 효과 및 염색견뢰도에 대해 알아보았다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (21)

  1. H. S. Kim, An Analysis of a Strategy for the Activation of Korean Wave K-Fashion, Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Associaton, 19(3), 175(2017). 

  2. H. J. Seong and J. H. Chun, A Study on the Formative Characteristics and Internal Meaning of Hangul in Contemporary Fashion Design, Korean Society of Fashion Design, 17(3), 17(2017). 

  3. Y. S. Ahn and H. S. Kim, Apparel Production Methods of Domestic Fashion Brands for the Activation of K-fashion, Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association, 20(3), 115(2018). 

  4. H. R. Shin and M. S. Yum, A Study on the Fashion Design Using Korean Traditional Danchung Pattern, Journal of Korean Traditional Costume, 22(4), 25(2019). 

  5. S. R. Park and H. J. Lee, Fashion Graphic Design Based on National Brand of Korea - with a Focus on Pattern Design Utilizing Korean Font, Journal Korea Society of Visual Design Forum, 28, 131(2010). 

  6. S. Y. Chang, Design Development for Fashion Cultural Product Using Traditional Flower Patterns - Focused on Peony Pattern, Journal of the Korean Society of Fashion Design, 16(2), 159(2016). 

  7. H. R. Song and H. K. Kim, A Study on Application of the Aesthetic Characteristics of Korean Folk Paintings in Fashion Design, Journal of the Korean Society of Fashion Design, 11(1), 103(2011). 

  8. B. H. Kim and W. S. Song, The Study of Natural Dyes on the Flowers (II): The Dyeability and Antimicrobial Deodorization Activity of Chrysanthemum boreale, Textile Coloration and Finishing, 12(3), 41(2000). 

  9. H. J. Kim, H. J. Seo, D. S. Kwak, J. P. Hong, S. H. Yoon, and K. Shin, Preparation and Evaluation of Low Viscosity Acrylic Polymer Based Pretreatment Solution for DTP Reactive Ink, Textile Coloration and Finishing, 29(3), 122(2017). 

  10. K. O. Kim, S. H. Hong, Y. H. Lee, C. S. Na, B. H. Kang, and Y. H. Son, Taxonomic status of Endemic Plants in Korea, Journal of Ecology and Environment, 32(4), 277(2009). 

  11. D. K. Kim, J. H. Tho, J. K. Kim, S. H. Park, H. J. Kim, K. S. Han, and J. H. Kim, Account of TUT(Taejon University Taejonensis) in the Daejeon University I, Korean Endemic Plants, Natural Science, 14(2), 87(2004). 

  12. G. Y. Chung, K. S. Chang, J. M. Chung, H. J. Choi, W. K. Paik, and J. O. Hyun, A Checklist of Endemic Plants on the Korean Peninsula, Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy, 47(3), 264(2017). 

  13. I. R. Choi, The UV Blocking Effect of Fabrics with Natural Dyestuffs, Journal of Korean Traditional Costume, 9(3), 57(2006). 

  14. J. D. Shin and I. M. Choi, Dyeing Characteristics and Colorfastness of Cotton and Flax Fabrics Dyed with Natural Indigo Using Glucose Reduction, Korean Journal of Human Ecology, 28(4), 369(2019). 

  15. H. J. Sim and Y. M. Park, A Study on Dyeing of Wool Fabrics Treated with Coffee Sludge and Onion Shells Extract by Different Dyeing Method, Textile Coloration and Finishing, 29(2), 62(2017). 

  16. H. J. Kim, J. P. Hong, D. S. Kwak, H. J. Seo, and H. J. Kim, Color and Fastness Properties of Nylon Transfer Digital Textile Printing(DTP) using Acrylic-based Polymer as Pre-treatment Agent, Textile Coloration and Finishing, 31(2), 88(2019). 

  17. Y. M. Park, The Dyeing Properties of Mugwort(Artemisia princeps) Extract using Nano-cellulose, Textile Coloration and Finishing, 32(3), 142(2020). 

  18. H. I. Kim, S. I. Eom, and S. M. Park, A Study on Natural Dyeing (I), Textile Coloration and Finishing, 13(1), 1(2001). 

  19. B. H. Kim and W. S. Song, The Study of Natural Dyes on the Flowers (II), Textile Coloration and Finishing, 12(3), 41(2000). 

  20. S. B. Ki, H. J. Seo, J. P. Hong, S. H. Yoon, and K. Shin, Research of Possibility of Carrageenan as DTP Pre-treatment Thickening Agent for Cellulosic Fabric, Textile Coloration and Finishing, 27(4), 318(2015). 

  21. S. J. Kim and K. M. Choi, The Study of the Color Reproducibility and the Color Fastness of Nano Inkjet DTP(Digital Textile Printing) - Focusing on 2012-2013 F/W COLOR TREND -, Journal of Fashion Business, 16(2), 138(2012). 

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