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머신러닝을 이용한 스타트 모터의 고장예지
Failure Prognostics of Start Motor Based on Machine Learning 원문보기

한국기계가공학회지 = Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers, v.20 no.12, 2021년, pp.85 - 91  

고도현 (금오공과대학교 기계시스템공학과) ,  최욱현 (금오공과대학교 기계시스템공학과) ,  최성대 (금오공과대학교 기계시스템공학과) ,  허장욱 (금오공과대학교 기계시스템공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In our daily life, artificial intelligence performs simple and complicated tasks like us, including operating mobile phones and working at homes and workplaces. Artificial intelligence is used in industrial technology for diagnosing various types of equipment using the machine learning technology. T...


참고문헌 (11)

  1. Choi, J. H., An, D. W. and Gang, J. H., "A Survey on Prognostics and Comparison Study on the Model-Based Prognostics," Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, Vol. 17, Issue 11, pp. 1095-1100, 2011. 

  2. Woo, S. W., Park, J. M., Hyun, B. S., Nam, J. W., Park, W. S., Kim, J. P., Cho, Y. J., Ko, J. M. and Park, N. G., "A Experimental Study on Insulation Breaking Fire Case of Starter Motor B Terminal," Journal of the Korean Society of Safety, Vol. 34 Issue 5, pp. 55-62, 2019. 

  3. Kook, J. H., Ahn, J. W. and Lee, H. H., "Output Characteristics of Helical Magnetic Flux Compression Generators with Varing Current Density Flowing through Coil," The Journal of KIEE Vol. 2002, No. 11, pp. 21-23, 2002. 

  4. "LSTM and It's Equations," https://medium.com/@divyanshu132/lstm-and-its-equations-5ee9246d04af(accessed 06, JUL, 2018) 

  5. "Understanding LSTM Networks," http://colah.github.io/posts/2015-08-Understanding-LSTMs(accessed 27, Aug, 2015) 

  6. Shin, D. I., "Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique with Adversarial Auto-Encoder for Imbalanced Data" Graduate School of Sogang University, Republic of Korea, 2018. 

  7. "Language Model (2) Smoothing," https://heiwais25.github.io/nlp/2019/10/06/Language-model2/(accessed 06, Oct, 2019) 

  8. Lee, S. H. and Park, K. S., "A Local Alignment Algorithm using Normalization by Functions," Journal of KIISE, Vol. 34, No. 5/6, pp. 187-194, 2007. 

  9. Cheong, W. S., Lee, B. K., Han, C. H., Kwon, S. G., Jang, J. K. and Lee, K. I., "A Fast Block Matching Algorithm Using Mean Absolute Error of Neighbor Search Point and Search Region Reduction," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, Vol. 25, Issue. 1B, pp. 128-140, 2000. 

  10. Kim, E. M. and Lee, B. H., "Performance and Root Mean Squared Error of Kernel Relaxation by the Dynamic Change of the Moment," Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 788-796, 2003. 

  11. Jung, H. and Kim, J. W., "A Machine Learning Approach for Mechanical Motor Fault Diagnosis," Journal of the Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering, Vol. 40, Issue. 1, pp. 57-64, 2017. 

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