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교통사고 후 한의치료에 대한 만족도 조사 연구
Survey on Satisfaction Survey for Korean Medicine Treatment in Traffic Injury Patients 원문보기

대한예방한의학회지 = Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine, v.25 no.3, 2021년, pp.15 - 24  

김주철 (대한한의사협회 한의학정책연구원) ,  오수석 (대한한의사협회 한의학정책연구원) ,  김동수 (동신대학교 한의과대학)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objectives : This study sought to identify the Korean medicine treatment satisfaction of 3,000 patients who are 19 or older with experiences of being treated with Korean medicine at Korean medicine clinics or Korean medicine hospitals after experiencing traffic accidents. Methods : Frequency analysi...


표/그림 (7)

참고문헌 (17)

  1. J. S. Kim, S. W. Changes in Providers' Behavior after the Reviewer Unification of Auto Insurance Medical Benefit Claims. Health Policy and Management, 2017;27(1):30-38. 

  2. Health Insurance Review Assessment Service, Statistical Indicator of Automobile Insurance Medical Expense in 2014-2019. 

  3. Y. A. Song, L. S. Yang, "The Present Status and Future Direction of Oriental Medical Services in the Automobile Insurance", KIRI Report, Korea Insurance Development Institute, 2017. 

  4. T. J. Lee, "The Present Status and Improvement Plan of Oriental Medical Services in the Automobile Insurance", General Insurance Association of Korea, 2015. 

  5. H. S. Kim, J. H. Kim, J. T. Hwang, D. H. Kim, "The Effect Analysis after the Reviewer Unification of Automobile Insurance Medical Fee", Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service, 2016. 

  6. J. M. Chae, H. J. Lee, H. M. Cho, "The Analysis of Oriental Medicine Expenditure Variation and Management Plan in the Automobile Insurance", Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service, 2017. 

  7. Y. A. Song, S. Y. Lee, "The present status and Future Direction of Oriental Medical Services in the Automobile Insurance", Korea Insurance Research Institute, 2017. 

  8. S. H. Kim, A Qualitative Research on the Treatment Experiences of Patients with Serious Injury in Traffic Accidents Treated with Traditional Korean Medicine. Journal of Korean Medicine. 2019;40(2):72-88 

  9. H. R. Shin, A Survey on Satisfaction for Korean Medicine Treatments in 237 Traffic Injury Patients. Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation. 2018;28(3):67-78 

  10. K. J. Bae, Survey on Satisfaction of Korean Medicine Treatment in 103 Cases by Traffic Accident. Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation. 2015;25(3):65-79 

  11. H. R. Kim, Survey on Satisfaction and Symptom Improvement of Korean Medicine Treatment in 122 Cases by Traffic Accident. Journal of Korean Medicine. 2018;39(3):61-72. 

  12. The Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service, Statistics Indicators of Medical expenses for Automobile Insurance in 2020. 

  13. S. Y. Chiang, Survey on Satisfaction of Korean Medicine Treatment in 131 Cases by Traffic Accident. The Journal of Korean Acupuncture & Moxibustion Medicine Society. 2012;29(3):68-79 

  14. E. K. Lee, Survey on National Health Insurance Coverage for Herbal Decoctions. Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine. 2009;13(3):113-126. 

  15. E. J. Hwang, Structural Equation Modeling for Public Hospital Quality of Care, Image, Role Performance, Satisfaction, Intent to (Re) visit, and Intent to Recommend Hospital as Perceived by Community Residents. Journal of Korean academy of nursing. 2016;46(1):118-127 

  16. D. H. Yoon, A Study on the Outpatients' Health Care Service Satisfaction and Their Revisits to General Hospital. The Korean Society of Health and Welfare. 2012;12(14):131-146 

  17. S. W. Jeong, Determinants of Patients' Intent to Revisit at National University Hospitals in Korea. Yonsei University. 

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