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[국내논문] 염수 환경에서 Inconel 718의 국부 부식 거동
Localized Corrosion Behavior of Inconel 718 in a Chloride-Containing Aqueous Solution 원문보기

Corrosion science and technology, v.20 no.6, 2021년, pp.361 - 366  

이준섭 (국립창원대학교 신소재공학부) ,  이예진 (국립창원대학교 소재융합시스템공학과) ,  권순일 (세아창원특수강 기술연구소) ,  신정호 (세아창원특수강 기술연구소) ,  이재현 (국립창원대학교 신소재공학부)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Localized corrosion behavior of Ni-based Inconel 718 alloy was investigated by electrochemical anodic polarization techniques in NACE TM 0177 A solution of 5 wt% NaCl + 0.5 wt% acetic acid at room temperature. After the solution heat treated at 1080 ℃ for 2.5 h, Inconel 718 was age-hardened a...


표/그림 (9)

참고문헌 (15)

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  2. H. S. Klapper, N. S. Zadorozne, and R. B. Rebak, Localized Corrosion Characteristics of Nickel Alloys: A Review, Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 19, 296 (2017). Doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40195-017-0553-z 

  3. J. J. deBarbadillo, and S. K. Mannan, Alloy 718 for Oilfield Applications, JOM, 64, 265 (2012). Doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11837-012-0238-z 

  4. J. H. Shin, K. M. Moon, An Electrochemical Evaluation on the Corrosion Resistance of Welding Zone due to Kinds of Repair Welding Filler Metals and Post Weld Heat Treatment, Corrosion Science and Technology, 9, 310 (2010). https://www.j-cst.org/opensource/pdfjs/web/pdf_viewer.htm?codeC00090600310 

  5. S. Azadian, L.-Y. Ying, and R. Warren, Delta phase precipitation in Inconel 718, Materials Characterization, 53, 7 (2004). Doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchar.2004.07.004. 

  6. L. C. M. Valle, A. I. C. Santana, M. C. Rezende, J. Dille, O. R. Mattos, and L. H. de Almeida, The influence of heat treatments on the corrosion behaviour of nickel-based alloy 718, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 809, 151781 (2019). Doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.151781 

  7. G. A. Rao, M. Kumar, M. Srinivas, and D. S. Sarma, Effect of standard heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of hot isostatically pressed superalloy inconel 718, Materials Science and Engineering A, 355, 114 (2003). Doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0921-5093(03)00079-0 

  8. W. Zheng, X. Wei, Z. Song, Q. Yong, H. Feng, and Q. Xie, Effects of Carbon Content on Mechanical Properties of Inconel 718 Alloy, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 22, 78 (2015). Doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/S1006-706X(15)60013-9 

  9. M. Gao, and R. P. Wei, Grain boundary niobium carbides in Inconel 718, Scripta Materialia, 37, 1843 (1997). Doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/S1359-6462(97)00373-4 

  10. N. C. Ferreri, S. C. Vogel, and M. Knezevic, Determining volume fractions of γ, γ', γ", δ, and MC-carbide phases in Inconel 718 as a function of its processing history using an advanced neutron diffraction procedure, Materials Science and Engineering A, 781, 139228 (2020). Doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2020.139228 

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  14. J. S. Lee, T. Kawano, T. Ishii, Y. Kitagawa, T. Nakanishi, Y. Hasegawa, K. Fushimi, Initiation of localized corrosion of ferritic stainless steels by using the liquid-phase ion gun technique, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 164, C1 (2016). Doi: https://doi.org/10.1149/2.0291702jes 

  15. S. Rahman, G. Priyadarshan, K. S. Raja, C. Nesbitt, and M. Misra, Investigation of the secondary phases of Alloy 617 by Scanning Kelvin Probe Force Microscope, Materials Letters, 62, 2263 (2008). Doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2007.11.077 

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