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[국내논문] 물시멘트비와 프린팅 시간간격에 따른 3D 프린팅 콘크리트 레이어의 전단부착강도
Shear Bond Strength of 3D Printed Concrete Layers According to Water Cement Ratio and Printing Time Gap 원문보기

한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 논문집 = Journal of the Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance and Inspection, v.25 no.6, 2021년, pp.199 - 208  

김진호 (서울시립대학교 건축공학과) ,  이윤정 (서울시립대학교, 건축공학과 스마트시티융합전공) ,  정호성 (서울시립대학교, 건축공학과 스마트시티융합전공) ,  김강수 (서울시립대학교, 건축공학과 스마트시티융합전공)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

3D 프린팅 콘크리트의 출력성능 및 부재 강도는 물시멘트비(Water cement ratio, W/C)와 레이어의 프린팅 시간 간격(Printing Time Gap, PTG)에 의하여 큰 영향을 받을 수 있다. 이 연구에서는 W/C와 PTG를 변수로 하여 제작된 프린팅실험체와 몰드 실험체의 표면수분량과 전단부착강도와의 관계를 측정·고찰하였으며, 그 결과, 레이어표면수분량이 전단부착강도에 큰 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서, 3D 프린팅 출력 시 요구되는 레이어 계면 전단부착성능을 확보하기 위해서는 PTG에 따라 적절한 레이어표면수분량이 유지될 수 있도록 유의해야 하며, 레이어표면수분량에 영향을 줄 수 있는 여러 가지 프린팅 환경인자들 대한 후속 연구도 필요할 것으로 판단된다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The extrudability of 3D printed concrete and its member strength can be highly influenced by water cement ratio (W/C) and printing time gap (PTG). In this study, mold cast specimens and 3D printed specimens were fabricated with variables of W/C ratio and PTG, and their shear bond strength and interl...


표/그림 (26)

참고문헌 (15)

  1. Beushausen, H., and Alexander, M. G. (2008), Bond strength development between concretes of different ages, Magazine of Concrete Research, ICE, 60(1), 65-74. 

  2. Bos, F., Wolfs, R., Ahmed, Z., and Salet, T. (2016), Additive manufacturing of concrete in construction: potentials and challenges of 3D concrete printing, Virtual and Physical Prototyping, Taylor & Francis, 11(3), 209-225. 

  3. Buswell, R. A., Leal de Silva, W. R., Jones, S. Z., and Dirrenberger, J. (2018), 3D printing using concrete extrusion: A roadmap for research. Cement and Concrete Research, ELSEVIER, 112, 37-49. 

  4. Choi, S. I., Lee, S. W., Son, T. H., and Heo, Y. K. (2020), Demand and Prospect in Future Korea Construction Industry based on Questionnaire Survey, Research report, Construction & Economy Research Institute of Korea, 1-79 (in Korean, with English abstract). 

  5. Kim, G. S., Sung, Y. J., and Han, Y. S. (2020), Industrial strategy in the post-COVID-19 and New Normal, Issue & Analysis, Gyeonggi Research Institute, 411, 1-25 (in Korean). 

  6. Le, T. T., Austin, S. A., Lim, S., Buswell, R. A., Law, R., Gibb, A. G. F., and Thorpe, T. (2012(a)), Hardened properties of high-performance printing concrete, Cement and Concrete Research, ELSEVIER, 42, 558-566. 

  7. Le, T. T., Austin, S. A., Lim, S., Buswell, R. A., Law, R., Gibb, A. G. F., and Thorpe, T. (2012(b)), Mix design and fresh properties for high-performance printing concrete, Materials and Structures, Springer, 45, 1221-1232. 

  8. Marchment, T., Sanjayan, J., and Xia, M. (2019), Method of enhancing interlayer bond strength in construction scale 3D printing with mortar by effective bond area amplification, Materials and Design, ELSEVIER, 169, 1-9. 

  9. Panda, B., Paul, S. C., Mohamed, N. A. N., Tay, Y. W. D., and Tan, M. J. (2018), Measurement of tensile bond strength of 3D printed geopolymer mortar, Measurement, ELSEVIER, 113, 108-116. 

  10. Putten, J. V. D., Schutter, G. D., and Tittelboom, K. V. (2019), Surface modification as a technique to improve inter-layer bonding strength in 3D printed cementitious materials, RILEM Technical Letters, RILEM, 4, 33-38. 

  11. Sakka, F. E., Assaad, J. J., Hamzeh, F. R., and Nakhoul, C. (2019), Thixotropy and interfacial bond strengths of polymer-modified printed mortars, Materials and Structures, Springer, 52(79), 1-17. 

  12. Sanjayan, J. G., Nematollahi, B., Xia, M., and Marchment, T. (2018), Effect of surface moisture on inter-layer strength of 3D printed concrete, Construction and Building Materials, ELSEVIER, 172, 468-475. 

  13. Tay, Y. W. D., Panda, B., Paul, S. C., Mohamed, N. A. N., Tan, M. J., and Leong, K. F. (2017), 3D printing trends in building and construction industry: a review, Virtual and Physical Prototyping, Taylor & Francis, 12(3), 261-276. 

  14. Tay, Y. W. D., Ting, G. H. A., Qian, Y., Panda, B., He, L., and Tan, M. J. (2019), Time gap effect on bond strength of 3D-printed concrete, Virtual and Physical Prototyping, Talyor & Francis, 14(1), 104-113. 

  15. Zareiyan, B., and Khoshnevis, B. (2017), Effect of interlocking on interlayer adhesion and strength of structures in 3D printing of concrete, Automation in Construction, ELSEVIER, 83, 212-221. 

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