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지역사회 고혈압·당뇨병등록관리사업 참여를 통한 주민의 건강관리경험
Health Management Experience of Residents through Participation in the Community Based Hypertension and Diabetes Registry Program 원문보기

지역사회간호학회지 = Journal of korean academy of community health nursing, v.32 no.4, 2021년, pp.518 - 528  

박미경 (제주관광대학교 간호학과) ,  박형근 (제주대학교 의과대학) ,  김현주 (제주한라대학교 간호학부) ,  김옥진 (제주시 고혈압.당뇨병등록교육센터) ,  공문연 (제주관광대학교 간호학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Purpose: This study was conducted to explore the healthcare experience of residents participating in the Community-Based Hypertension and Diabetes Registry Program. Methods: This study used qualitative content analysis. Data were collected from in depth interviews of fifteen participants, who either...


참고문헌 (30)

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