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[국내논문] 니켈 제련기술의 현황
Current Status of Nickel Smelting Technology 원문보기

Resources recycling = 자원리싸이클링, v.30 no.2, 2021년, pp.3 - 13  

손호상 (경북대학교 신소재공학부)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

니켈은 우수한 인성, 전성과 함께 내식성 향상 효과 때문에 널리 사용된다. 따라서 니켈은 우리 일상 생활에서 없어서는 안 될 금속으로, 스테인리스강, 고강도합금, 전자기기 등 기초부터 첨단 응용 분야까지 널리 사용되고 있다. 최근 니켈은 2차 전지커패시터의 주요 소재로 널리 사용되고 있다. 니켈의 사용량은 계속 증가하여 1970년대 전 세계적으로 연간 80만 톤에서 2010년대에는 약 200만 톤으로 증가했다. 그러나, 니켈은 지각 중 원소 존재도에서 23번째로 대표적인 희소금속이다. 본 연구에서는 니켈 제련기술의 현황과 생산량 및 사용 동향에 대해 조사하였다. 니켈은 광석의 종류에 따라 매우 다양한 제련법으로 추출된다. 이러한 다양한 니켈 제련기술은 니켈 2차 자원으로부터 니켈을 추출하는 새로운 재활용 프로세스의 개발에 필수적일 것이다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Nickel is widely used due to its excellent toughness, malleability and enhanced corrosion resistance. Therefore, nickel is indispensable in our daily lives, and it is widely used in basic to advanced applications such as stainless steel, super alloys and electronic devices. Recently, nickel has been...


표/그림 (12)

참고문헌 (24)

  1. Habashi, Fathi, 2001 : Historical Metallurgy, CIM Bulletin 94, pp.91-95. 

  2. Rosenberg, Samuel J., 1968 : Nickel and Its Alloys, p.1, U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards Monograph 106, Washington, D.C. 

  3. Sohn, Hosang, 2020 : Recycling of Commom Metals, p. 17, KNU Press. 

  4. Nickel Institute, www.nickelinstitute.org 

  5. International Nickel Study Group, 2019 : The World Nickel Factbook 2018, p.9, INSG. 

  6. USGS, https://www.usgs.gov/centers/nmic/nickel-statistics-and-information 

  7. International Nickel Study Group, 2019 : The World Nickel Factbook 2018, p.15, INSG. 

  8. Park, Hyungkyu, and Sohn, Ho-Sang, 2015 : Current Status on the Recycling of Domestic Major Non-Ferrous Metal Scraps, Journal of the Korean Institute of Resources Recycling, 24(5), pp.72-79. 

  9. Park, Hyungkyu, Kang, Jungshin, Lee, Taehyuk, et al., 2019 : A Review on the Demand and Supply of Major Non-Ferrous Metals and their Recycling of Scraps during 2014-2018 in Korea, J. of Korean Inst. of Resources Recycling, 28(3), pp.68-76. 

  10. Tozawa, Kazuteru, 1992 : Recent Trend of Nickel Extractive Metallurgy, Tetsu-to-Hagane 79(5), pp.537-547. 

  11. Ashok D. Dalvi, W. Gordon Bacon and Robert C. Osborne, 2004 : The Past and the Future of Nickel Laterites, Proc. PDAC 2004 International Convention, Trade Show & Investors Exchange, pp.1-27, Toronto, Canada, March 7-10, 2004. 

  12. Shirayama, S., 2015 : New Separation Process of Nickel and Cobalt in Hydrometallurgy, Doctoral Thesis, p.7, Kyoto University. 

  13. Ozaki, Y., Okabe, T. H., and Kagawa, Y., 2014 : Current Status of Resources and Supply-Demand of Nickel, at Outlook of Hydrometallurgical Processes for Nickel Laterite Ore, MMIJ, 130(4), pp.93-103. 

  14. Frank K. Crundwell, Michael S. Moats, Venkoba Ramachandran, et al., 2011 : Extractive Metallurgy of Nickel, Cobalt and Platinum-Group Metals, p.9, Elsevier Ltd. UK. 

  15. Sohn, Hosang, 2020 : Recycling of Common Metals, p.83, KNU Press, Daegu, Korea. 

  16. Yazawa, Akira, 1980 : Extractive Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals, p.276, JIM, Sendai, Japan. 

  17. Lou Koehler, 2015 : Powder Metallurgy Nickel and Nickel Alloys, ASM Handbook, Volume 7, Powder Metallurgy, p.674, Ed. by P. Samal and J. Newkirk, ASM International. 

  18. Sohn, Hosang, 2019 : Engineering of Resources Recycling, p.189, KNU Press, Daegu. 

  19. Yazawa, Akira, 1980 : Extractive Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals, p.279, JIM, Sendai, Japan. 

  20. Derek George Eagland Kerfoot, Eberhard Krause, Bruce John Love, et al., 2002 : Hydrometallurgical Process for the Recovery of Nickel and Cobalt Values from a Sulfidic Flotation Concentrate, US Patent 6,428,604. 

  21. SNNC hompage, http://www.snnc.co.kr/pages/02product/product_list02.php 

  22. M. Collins, D. Yuan, M. Sitter, et al., 2015 : Sustainable hydrometallurgical processing at the ambatovy nickel operation in madagascar" in Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of Metallurgists, pp.1-13, CIM METSOC Montreal, 2015. 

  23. Ozaki, Y., Imamura, M., and Tsuchida, N., 2015 : Sulfurization of Nickel and Cobalt from Leach Solution of Nickel Laterite Ore, J. MMIJ 131, pp.74-81. 

  24. Willem P.C. Duyvesteyn, Manuel R. Lastra, and Houyuan Liu, 1996 : Method for recovering nickel from high magnesium-containing Ni-Fe-Mg lateritic ore, US Patent 5,571,308. 

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