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갑상선 수술 후 음성 변화에 대한 비대면 음성언어치료 증례
A Case of Voice Therapy for Patient Who Voice Changed after Total Thyroidectomy Using Contactless Voice and Speech Therapy Service Platform 원문보기

대한후두음성언어의학회지 = Journal of the Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics, v.32 no.1, 2021년, pp.43 - 47  

이길준 (경북대학교 의과대학 칠곡경북대학교병원 이비인후-두경부외과학교실) ,  박수나 (경북대학교 의과대학 칠곡경북대학교병원 이비인후-두경부외과학교실)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Voice therapy is effective in many voice and speech disorders. However, patients have low accessibility to therapeutic facilities due to disease-unrelated reasons such as lack of time and pandemic of COVID-19. Contactless voice therapy could be an alternative and may helpful to all patients with voi...


참고문헌 (15)

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  5. Yoon JH, Kim SW. A survey on participants' satisfaction of vocal hygiene education: a preliminary study. Phonetics Speech Sci 2013;5(3):83-93. 

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  8. Lee HN, Yoo JY, Park JH. Effect of online and offline voice therapy programs in patients with hyperfunctional voice disorder: a case study. Commun Sci Disord 2019;24(3):814-26. 

  9. Bae IH, Lee JA, Park HJ, Kwon SB. Development of a platform for augmented reality-based speech language therapy. Commun Sci Disord 2018;23(2):462-76. 

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  12. Mashima PA, Birkmire-Peters DP, Syms MJ, Holtel MR, Burgess LP, Peters LJ. Telehealth: voice therapy using telecommunications technology. Am J Speech Lang Pathol 2003;12(4):432-9. 

  13. Grogan-Johnson S, Meehan R, McCormick K, Miller N. Results of a national survey of preservice telepractice training in graduate speech-language pathology and audiology programs. Contemp Issues Commun Sci Disord 2015;42:122-37. 

  14. Tohidast SA, Mansuri B, Bagheri R, Azimi H. Provision of speech-language pathology services for the treatment of speech and language disorders in children during the COVID-19 pandemic: problems, concerns, and solutions. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2020;138:110262. 

  15. Tucker JK. Perspectives of speech-language pathologists on the use of telepractice in schools: the qualitative view. Int J Telerehabil 2012;4(2):47-60. 

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