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Effect of the floating body shape and other composition on the hydrodynamic safety of floating photo-voltaic system 원문보기

한국가시화정보학회지= Journal of the Korean society of visualization, v.19 no.1, 2021년, pp.18 - 27  

최지웅 (Interdisciplinary Program in Biohealth-machinery convergence engineering, Kangwon National University) ,  이규한 (Interdisciplinary Program in Biohealth-machinery convergence engineering, Kangwon National University) ,  김재운 (Soleco Co.) ,  허남욱 (Soleco Co.) ,  차용현 (Soleco Co.) ,  하호진 (Interdisciplinary Program in Biohealth-machinery convergence engineering, Kangwon National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

As the photo-voltaic (PV) industry grows, the floating PV has been suggested to resolve current environmental destruction and a lack of installation area. Currently, various floating PV systems have been developed, but there is a lack of studies on how the shape of the floating body and other compos...


표/그림 (17)

참고문헌 (15)

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