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[국내논문] 가습연소 폐열회수 보일러의 물분사 설계모델 구축에 관한 연구
Establishing the Models for Optimized Design of Water Injection in Boilers with Waste-heat-recovery System 원문보기

한국분무공학회지 = Journal of ilass-korea, v.26 no.2, 2021년, pp.96 - 103  

신재훈 (인하대학교 대학원 기계공학과) ,  문석수 (인하대학교)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In order to improve the overall efficiency and meet the emission regulations of boiler systems, the heat exchanging methods between inlet air and exhaust gas have been used in boiler systems, named as the waste-heat-recovery condensing boiler. Recently, to further improve the overall efficiency and ...


표/그림 (8)

참고문헌 (9)

  1. C. E. Lee, B. J. Yu, D. H. Kim and S. H. Jang, "Analysis of the thermodynamic performance of a waste heat recovery boiler with additional water spray onto combustion air stream", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 135, 2018, pp. 197~205. 

  2. C. E. Lee and D. H. Kim, "Heat recovery boilers with water spray. Part I: Thermodynamic analysis validation and boiler practicality", Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, Vol. 18, 2020, pp. 100491. 

  3. D. H. Kim, T. J. Park, C. E. Lee, "Heat recovery boilers with water spray: Part II: Parametric analysis and optimization of design specifications", Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, Vol. 19, 2020, pp. 100643. 

  4. D. G. Pugh, P. J. Bowen, R. Marsh, A.P. Crayfond, J. Runyon, S. Morris, A. Valera-Medina and A. Giles "Dissociative influence of H2O vapour/spray on lean blow off and NOx reduction of heavily carbonaceous syngas swirling flames", Combustion and Flame, Vol. 177, 2017, pp. 37~48. 

  5. J. Kuck, "Efficiency of vapour-pump-equipped condensing boilers", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 16, 1996, pp. 233~244. 

  6. M. J. Moran, H. N. Shapiro, D. D. Boettner and M. B. Bailey, "Principles of Engineering Thermodynamics", Global Edition, Wiley, 2018. 

  7. S. M. Frolov, F. S. Frolov and B. Basara, "Simple model of transient drop vaporization", Journal of Russian Laser Reasearch Volume, Vol. 27, 2006, pp. 562~574. 

  8. A. H. Lefevre and V. G. McDonell, "Atomization and Sprays"Taylor & Francis Group, LLC., 2017. 

  9. O. E. Ruiz and W. Z. Black, "Evaporation of water doplets placed on a heated horizontal surface", Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 124, 2002, pp. 854~863. 

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