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Stability Characteristics of Supercritical High-Pressure Turbines Depending on the Designs of Tilting Pad Journal Bearings 원문보기

한국트라이볼로지학회지 = Tribology and lubricants, v.37 no.3, 2021년, pp.99 - 105  

Lee, An Sung (Dept. of System Dynamics Research, Division of Mechanical Systems Safety Research, Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials) ,  Jang, Sun-Yong (R&D Center, Daedong Metal Industry Co.)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this study, for a high-pressure turbine (HPT) of 800 MW class supercritical thermal-power plant, considering aerodynamic cross-coupling, we performed a rotordynamic logarithmic decrement (LogDec) stability analysis with various tilting pad journal bearing (TPJB) designs, which several steam turbi...


표/그림 (12)

AI 본문요약
AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

제안 방법

  • For a HPT of 800 MW class supercritical thermalpower plant, considering aerodynamic cross-coupling induced by high-temperature and high-pressure steam, we performed a rotordynamic LogDec stability analysis with applying various TPJB designs, which several steam turbine OEMs currently use in their supercritical or ultra-supercritical turbines. We considered the following TPJB designs: 6-Pad LOP, 6-Pad LBP, 5-Pad LOP, 5- Pad LBP, Hybrid 3-Pad LOP (lower 3-Pad tilting and upper 1-Pad fixed), and 5-Pad LBPs with design variables of offset and preload.
  • For a HPT of 800 MW class supercritical thermalpower plant, considering aerodynamic cross-coupling induced by high-temperature and high-pressure steam, we performed a rotordynamic LogDec stability analysis with applying various TPJB designs, which several steam turbine OEMs currently use in their supercritical or ultra-supercritical turbines. We considered the following TPJB designs: 6-Pad LOP, 6-Pad LBP, 5-Pad LOP, 5- Pad LBP, Hybrid 3-Pad LOP (lower 3-Pad tilting and upper 1-Pad fixed), and 5-Pad LBPs with design variables of offset and preload.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (12)

  1. Nicholas, J., "Tilting Pad Bearing Design," Proceedings of the 23rd Turbomachinery Symposium, Turbolab, Texas A&M Univ., pp.179-194, 1994. 

  2. Zeidan, F., "Fluid Film Bearings Fundamentals," Proceedings of the 1st Middle East Turbomachinery Symposium, Turbolab, Texas A&M Univ., 2011. 

  3. He, M., Byrne, J., Cloud, H, Vazquez, J., "Fundamentals of Fluid Film Journal Bearing Operating and Modeling," Proceedings of the Asia Turbomachinery & Pump Symposium, Turbolab, Texas A&M Univ., 2016. 

  4. Lee, A. S., "Design Analysis to Enhance Rotordynamic Stability of High-Speed Light-weight Centrifugal Compressor - Part I: Effects of Bearing Designs," J. Korean Soc. Tribol. Lubr. Eng., Vol. 29, No.6, pp.386-391, 2013, https://doi.org/10.9725/kstle.2013.29.6.386 

  5. Salamone, D., "Journal Bearing Design Types and their Applications to Turbomachinery," Proceedings of the 13th Turbomachinery Symposium, Turbolab, Texas A&M Univ., pp.179-188, 1984. 

  6. Vance, J., Zeidan, F., Murphy, B., Machinery Vibration and Rotordynamics, Chap.5, pp.171-267, John Wiley & Sons, 2010. 

  7. Nicholas, J. C., Gunter, E. J., Barrett, L. E., "The Influence of Tilting Pad Bearing Characteristics on the Stability of High Speed Rotor-Bearing Systems," Topics in Fluid Film Bearing and Rotor Bearing System Design and Optimization, ASME, pp.55-78, 1978. 

  8. Lee, A. S., "Design Analysis for Enhancing Rotordynamic Stability of High-Speed Light-weight Centrifugal Compressor - Part II: Improvement to Rotordynamic Stability," Journal of the KSTLE, Vol.30, No.1, pp.9-14, 2014, https://doi.org/10.9725/kstle.2014.30.1.9 

  9. Ikeno, K., Sasaki, Y., Kawabata, R., Yoshida, S., Hata, S., "Measurement of Dynamic Performance of Large Tilting Pad Journal Bearing and Rotor Stability Improvement," Proceedings of the 39th Turbomachinery Symposium, Turbolab, Texas A&M Univ., 19-29, 2010. 

  10. API STD 617 8th Ed., Axial and Centrifugal Compressors and Expander-compressors for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry Services, American Petroleum Institute, 2014. 

  11. API RP STD 684 2nd Ed., API Standard Paragraphs Rotordynamic Tutorial: Lateral Critical Speeds, Unbalance Response, Stability, Train Torsionals, and Rotor Balancing, American Petroleum Institute, 2005. 

  12. Lee, A. S., and Jang, S.-Y., "Design Characteristics of HPT Bearings in 800 MW Class Supercritical Steam Turbines Train," Proc. Spring Conf. Korean Tribol. Soc., Pusan, Korea, April, 2018. 

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