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NTIS 바로가기한국융합학회논문지 = Journal of the Korea Convergence Society, v.12 no.8, 2021년, pp.245 - 256
이충형 (고려대학교 기술경영전문대학원) , 김영준 (고려대학교 기술경영전문대학원)
The Fourth Industrial Revolution brought the quantitative value of data across the industry and entered the era of 'Big Data'. This is due to both the rapid development of information & communication technology and the diversity & complexity of customer purchasing tendencies. An enterprise's core co...
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U. K. Hahm. (2017). Data Integration Strategy in Big Data Era: A Public Sector Case Analysis. Korea Institute of Enterprise Architecture, 14(2), 115-128
J. B. Kim, Y. J. Kim & J. H. Park. (2019). A Study on Auditing Method of Big Data Technology Applied System. The Korea Society of Information Technology Policy & Management, 11(3), 1255-1267
J. K. Bae. (2021). A Study on the Legal and Institutional Factors for Activation of MyData Industry'. Logos Management Review, 19(1), 117-132
D. W. Hyun & S. Y. Lee. (2021). A Study of Big Data Analysis Regarding Smartphone User Satisfaction: Utilizing Sentiment Analysis Based on Social Media Data. Korean Journal of Converging Humanities (KJCH), 9(1), 7-35, DOI : 10.14729/converging.k.2021.9.1.7
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