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[국내논문] 일개 상급종합병원 응급중환자실 내 심정지 후 저체온요법을 적용한 환자의 말초 청색증 발생 현황
Incidence of Peripheral Cyanosis in Patients with Therapeutic Hypothermia after Cardiac Arrest in the Acute Care Unit of a Tertiary General Hospital 원문보기

중환자간호학회지 = Journal of Korean critical care nursing, v.14 no.3, 2021년, pp.128 - 140  

방수연 (서울아산병원) ,  이영희 (성균관대학교 임상간호대학원)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Purpose : This study aimed to identify the incidence of peripheral cyanosis and the characteristics and clinical results of patients with therapeutic hypothermia after a cardiac arrest. Methods : Data were collected from April to June 2021 via the electrical medical records of 95 patients with thera...


참고문헌 (29)

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