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동선체계 변경 시 유효한 피난계획에 대한 건축계획적 연구
An Architectural Study on the Efficient Evacuation Plan for the Change of Circulation System 원문보기

한국융합학회논문지 = Journal of the Korea Convergence Society, v.13 no.1, 2022년, pp.261 - 268  

김희교 (인하공업전문대학 건축과)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

코로나 19의 확산 방지를 위하여 다중이용시설의 입구를 통제하는 것은 일반적인 상황이 되었다. 이 연구는 현재의 코로나 19와 같은 재난으로 인하여 건축물내 동선체계의 변화가 발생하였을 때 효과적인 피난계획을 수립하기 위한 연구이다. 만일 다중이용시설의 분석을 통하여 건축물의 동선체계의 변화에 대한 사항을 미리 고려하여 건축계획을 한다면 재난의 발생 시 확산을 막을 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. 본 연구는 인간의 행동패턴의 특성과 다중이용건축물의 설계단계에서 고려하여야 할 사항을 분석하여 재난의 발생시에 능동적으로 대처가능한 임시적인 동선체계의 변경에 유효한 피난계획의 수립에 대해서 연구하고자 한다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

It is a common situation to limit entrance to the multi-use buildings for efficient control and prevention of the spread of COVID-19. This study chiefly aims to find out efficient methods to establish evacuation plans when temporary changes of the building circulation system occurs. If architectural...


표/그림 (6)

참고문헌 (15)

  1. http://www.law.go.kr, Ministry of Government Legislation. 

  2. K. H. Lee. (1997). A Study on Human Behavioral Patterns in Building Fires and Application of Theirs to the Designing of Escape Routes, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, 13(7), 83-93. 

  3. B.M. Levin. (1984). Technology Report, 84(3), 3. 

  4. http://www.safekorea.go.kr, Ministry of Interior and Safety 

  5. Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture, (2015), Healthcare Architecture of Korea, 88-227. 

  6. S. M. Lee & J. Y. Park. (2017). Pedestrian Escape Flow Situation according to Condition of Bottle Neck in Evacuation, Journal of Autumn Annual Conference of AIK, 37(2), 1008-1009. 

  7. http://www.junglim.info, Junglim Architecture 

  8. S. M. Jeon, B. J. Kim & G. Y. Jeon. (2017). The survey study about influencing factors in recognizing fire during egress from buildings, Journal of Spring Annual Conference of AIK, 37(1), 587-588. 

  9. J. S. Park. (2012). A Study on the Main Characteristics and Factors of the Process of Beginning Egress during the Fire at the Buildings. Journal of Korean Institute of Fire Sciences and Engineering, 26(2), 59-68. 

  10. E. H. An. (2005). A Study on Egress Routes Depending on Human Evacuation Behavior in Multi-Plex Theater. Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, 21(10), 131-138. 

  11. J. H. Lee & J. H. Choi. (2010). A Comprehensive Fire Safety Guideline in Exhibition Area, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, 26(1), 399-407. 

  12. H. T. Seok, J. H. Yang & J. H. Kim. (2009), A Study on the Evacuation Time according to the Width of Corridor, Emergency Exit and Staicase in Studyroom's Fires. Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, 25(4), 287-294. 

  13. J. S. Lee. (2008). A Study on the Architectural Design Charateristics Reflecting Evacuation Behaviors in the USA Hospitals, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, 24(11), 21-28. 

  14. K. W. Park & K. H. Lee. (2005). A Study on the Human Evacuation behavior by analyzing Crowding areas in Multi-Plex Theater Fire, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, 21(10), 61-68 

  15. M. J. Choi, M. S. Park, H. S. Lee & S. J. Hwang. (2013). Analyzing of Building Emergency Evacuation Process with Interactions in Human Behaviors. Journal of the Korea Institute of Constuction Engineering and Management, 21(10), 49-60 

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