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[국내논문] 금속 자기기억법 활용 보일러 튜브의 미소 결함 검출력 연구
Study of Boiler Tube Micro Crack Detection Ability by Metal Magnetic Memory 원문보기

KEPCO Journal on electric power and energy, v.8 no.2, 2022년, pp.93 - 96  

서정석 (KEPCO Research Institute, Korea Electric Power Corporation) ,  명주홍 (KEPCO Research Institute, Korea Electric Power Corporation) ,  방지예 (KEPCO Research Institute, Korea Electric Power Corporation) ,  정계조 (KEPCO Research Institute, Korea Electric Power Corporation)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The boiler tubes of thermal power plants are exposed to harsh environment of high temperature and high pressure, and the deterioration state of materials rapidly increases. In particular, parent material and welds of the materials used are subjected to a temperature change and various constraints, r...


표/그림 (8)

참고문헌 (5)

  1. Dubov A and Kolokolnikov S, "Safety and Reliability of Welded?Components in Energy and Processing Industry(Graz, Austria)", Proc. of?the IIW Int. Conf, pp709-714, 2008 

  2. Dubov A and Kolokolnikov S, "Comprehensive Diagnostics of Parent?Metal and Welded Joint of Steam Pipeline Bends", Welding in the world,?54, pp241-248, 2010 

  3. Shuib Husin and Ahmad Afiq Pauzi et al, "Development of references of?anomalies detection on P91 material using Self-Magnetic Leakage?Field(SMLF) technique", 4th International Conf. on Mechanical Engineering?Research, pp 2-4, 2017 

  4. Gye-jo Jung, Jung-Seok Seo, Youngwoo Park, Comparison between?Magnetic Field Distribution Analysis and Metal Magnetic Memory?(MMM) Testing Results Around Artificial Cracks under Loads, Journal?of Magnetics 24(2), pp 281-285, 2019 

  5. "Relationship Between Alloy Chemistry, Hardenability, and Creep?Behavior of Code Case 2199 (T23)", EPRI, , Technical Report, 1024753,?2011 

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