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건설사와 입주민의 공동주택 하자분쟁 쟁점 및 개선 방안
Major Issues and Improvement Measures for Disputes between Construction Companies and Residents Related to Defects in Multi-Family Housing Complexes 원문보기

한국건축시공학회지 = Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction, v.22 no.1, 2022년, pp.103 - 114  

방홍순 (Department of Architectural Engineering, Chungbuk University) ,  김옥규 (Department of Architectural Engineering, Chungbuk University)


입주민은 육안으로 구별이 되는 하자를 중심적으로 보며, 건설사는 공동 주택의 구조적, 기능적 문제에 영향이 가는 하자를 중심적으로 본다. 그에 따라, 건설사와 입주민은 공동주택의 하자를 기준으로 서로 다른 관점을 가지고 있다. 이를 해결하기 위해 본 연구에서는 서로 다른 하자의 관점차이로 인하여 발생하는 공동주택 하자분쟁의 쟁점과 개선 방안을 목표로 진행하였다. 먼저, 국토교통부와 법원의 서로 다른 하자판정기준 및 보수기준을 분석하였다. 과거 청구소송 하자판결 사례분석을 통하여 문제점을 도출 하였으며, 여러 건설사의 하자 데이터를 기반으로 건설사와 입주민의 관점차이를 도출 하였다. 이를 해결하기 위해 공동주택 하자 데이터베이스의 개선방안을 제안하였다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In the area of construction defects, residents have a tendency to focus on visually identifiable defects, while construction companies focus on defects that affect the structural and functional integrity of apartment housing. Accordingly, construction companies and residents have conflicting views o...


표/그림 (13)

참고문헌 (17)

  1. Kim BS, Bang HS, Choi HJ, Kim OK. Preliminary study on the development of defect management system in apartment housing. Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management; 2021 Nov 11-12; Gyeongju, Korea. Seoul (Korea): Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management; 2021. p. 49-50. 

  2. Yu BJ, Bang HS, Kim OK. Analysis of defects and repair costs incurred before and after moving into an apartment house. Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management; 2021 Nov 11-12; Gyeongju, Korea. Seoul (Korea): Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management; 2021. p. 85-6. 

  3. Kim JG. A procedure study on the end of defects liability exit procedure in apartment buildings through case studies [master's thesis]. [Cheongju (Korea)]:Chungbuk National University; 2018. 114 p. 

  4. Population and housing census [Internet]. Seoul (Korea): Korea Ministry of Government Legislation. 2021 Dec. Available From: https://kosis.kr/statHtml/statHtml.do?orgId101&tblIdDT_1IN1502&vw_cd&list_id&seqNo&lang_modeko&languagekor&obj_var_id&itm_id&conn_pathI2 

  5. Apartment housing management act [Internet]. Seoul (Korea): Statistics Korea. 2021 Dec. Available From: https://www.law.go.kr/lsSc.do?section&menuId1&subMenuId15&tabMenuId81&eventGubun060101&query%EA%B3%B5%EB%8F%99%EC%A3%BC%ED%83%9D%EA%B4%80%EB%A6%AC%EB%B2%95#undefined 

  6. Apartment defect dispute mediation committee [Internet]. Seoul (Korea): Korea Ministry of Government Legislation. 2021 Dec. Available From: https://news.naver.com/main/read.naver?oid011&aid0003805298 

  7. Huh YC, Bang HS, Kim OK. Analysis of the major works causing secondary defects in apartment building construction. Journal of Architectural Institute of Koreara. 2021 Oct 23(5):1-8. 

  8. Park HJ, Eom YB, Jeong UJ, Kim DY. A study on analysis of defect types and measures for reduction of tile construction for apartment houses. Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction. 2021 Dec 20;21(6):701-712. https://doi.org/10.5345/JKIBC.2021.21.6.701 

  9. Bang HS, Bae IH, Kim OK. Dispute issues and improvement of inter-layer joints in apartment houses. Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction. 2021 Apr;21(2):129-39. https://doi.org/10.5345/JKIBC.2021.21.2.129 

  10. Criteria for investigating defects in apartment houses, calculating repair costs, and determining defects [Internet]. Seoul (Korea): Korea Ministry of Government Legislation. 2021 Dec. Available From: https://www.law.go.kr/admRulSc.do?menuId5&subMenuId41&tabMenuId183&query%EA%B3%B5%EB%8F%99%EC%A3%BC%ED%83%9D%20%ED%95%98%EC%9E%90%EC%9D%98%20%EC%A1%B0%EC%82%AC%2C%20%EB%B3%B4%EC%88%98%EB%B9%84%EC%9A%A9%20%EC%82%B0%EC%A0%95%20%EB%B0%8F%20%ED%95%98%EC%9E%90%ED%8C%90%EC%A0%95%EA%B8%B0%EC%A4%80#liBgcolor0 

  11. Construction appraisal practice [Internet]. Seoul (Korea): Court of korea. 2016 Dec 14. Available From: https://www.scourt.go.kr/portal/dcboard/DcNewsViewAction.work?gubun41&seqnum685&cbub_code000210 

  12. 2017Gahap101083. Daejeon (Korea): Daejeon District Court; 2019. 

  13. 2017Gahap580083. Hongseong (Korea): Hongseong District Court; 2019. 

  14. 2017Gahap546649. Geoje (Korea): Geoje District Court; 2019. 

  15. 2018Na2034290. Cheongju (Korea): Cheongju District Court; 2020. 

  16. 2017Gahap574248. Suwon (Korea): Suwon District Court; 2019. 

  17. 2018Gahap516430. Yongin (Korea): Yongin District Court; 2019. 

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