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난시로 발생된 약시를 가진 소아에 대한 장기간 침 치료 1례
Amblyopia Derived from Astigmatism in a Child Improved by Long-term Acupuncture Treatment: A Case Report 원문보기

韓方眼耳鼻咽喉皮膚科學會誌 = The journal of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology & Otolaryngology & Dermatology, v.35 no.1, 2022년, pp.58 - 62  

김준동 (경희대학교 한의과대학 안이비인후피부과학교실) ,  서광일 (경희대학교 한의과대학 안이비인후피부과학교실) ,  김중호 (김중호한의원) ,  김봉현 (경희대학교 한의과대학 안이비인후피부과학교실)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objectives : The aim of this study is to report the effect of long-term acupuncture on a amblyopia derived from astigmatism. Methods : A 39-month-old-female child presented with decreased visual acuity with simple astigmatism and amblyopia in the left eye. She took long-term acupuncture treatment on...


표/그림 (2)

참고문헌 (9)

  1. Wallace DK, Repka MX, Lee KA, Melia M, Christiansen SP, Morse CL, et al. Amblyopia Preferred Practice Pattern. Ophthalmology. 2018;125(1):105-42. 

  2. Read SA, Vincent SJ, Collins MJ. The visual and functional impacts of astigmatism and its clinical management. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics. 2014;34(3):267-94. 

  3. Bittner AK, Seger K, Salveson R, Kayser S, Morrison N, Vargas P, et al. Randomized controlled trial of electro-stimulation therapies to modulate retinal blood flow and visual function in retinitis pigmentosa. Acta Ophthalmologica. 2018;96(3):366-76. 

  4. Yoshiko S, Nobuo F, Motohiko S, Syunji Y, Kei W, Toru N, et al. Visual function with acupuncture tested by visual evoked potential Tohoku J Exp Med. 2006;209(3):235-41. 

  5. Dennis SC, Jianhao Z, Li JC, Yunxiu W, Chongren Z, Qiaoer L, et al. Adjunctive effect of acupuncture to refractive correction on anisometropic amblyopia: one-year results of a randomized crossover trial. Ophthalmolog. 2011;118(8):1501-11. 

  6. Atkinson J, Braddick O, French J. Infant astigmatism: Its disappearance with age. Vision Research. 1980;20(11):891-3. 

  7. Kang JW, Bae SH, Moon MJ. Clinical Perceptions and Practice Patterns for Amblyopia in Korea. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2020;61(2):190-9. 

  8. Kim BH, Kim MH, Kim JH, Park SY, Choi IH. Acupuncture for pediatric bilateral amblyopia. Integr Med Res. 2020;9(4):100435. 

  9. Xie-He K, Yue Z, Zhi C, Li Z, Rong H, Xiao-Qing D, et al. A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Effect of 0.01% Atropine Eye Drops Combined with Auricular Acupoint Stimulation on Myopia Progression. J Ophthalmol. 2021;2021(1):1-10. 

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