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종합병원의 COVID-19 선별진료를 담당하는 간호사의 경험
Experience of Nurses in Charge of COVID-19 Screening at General Hospitals in Korea 원문보기

Journal of Korean academy of nursing = 대한간호학회지, v.52 no.1, 2022년, pp.66 - 79  

하부영 (성균관대학교 삼성창원병원 간호본부) ,  배윤숙 (광제요양병원 간호부) ,  류한솔 (국립창원대학교 간호학과) ,  전미경 (국립창원대학교 간호학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to understand and describe the experiences of nurses in charge of COVID-19 screening at general hospitals in South Korea. Methods: Data were collected through individual in-depth interviews with 14 nurses who had been working for more than a month at a screenin...


참고문헌 (33)

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