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낙동강 상류 서식 어류의 부위별 중금속 분포 특성
Studies on Heavy Metal Characteristics by Part of Fish in Upper Region of Nakdong River 원문보기

자원환경지질 = Economic and environmental geology, v.55 no.1, 2022년, pp.19 - 27  

권희원 (안동대학교 환경공학과) ,  김영훈 (안동대학교 환경공학과) ,  김정진 (안동대학교 지구환경과학과)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

낙동강 상류지역의 안동댐, 임하댐, 영주댐 유역에 서식하는 물고기에 대하여 근육부, 아가미, 위, 간 부위로 분리하여 중금속 분석을 수행하였다. 분석한 물고기는 갈겨니(dark chub), 강준치(skygager), 꺽지(coreoperca herzi), 끄리(Korean piscivorous chub), 누치(cornet fish), 떡붕어(Japan crucian carp), 메기(catfish), 배스(bass), 붕어(crucian carp), 쏘가리(mandarin fish), 잉어(carp), 참마자(long-nosed barbel), 치리(Korean sharpbelly) 등 13개 어종으로 ICP/MS를 이용하여 분석하였다. 분석 결과 전체 평균 농도를 기준으로 근육부는 수은을 제외한 모든 중금속 항목에서 다른 부위에 비해 낮았다. 아가미 부위는 크롬, 망간, 니켈, 납, 위 부위는 아연, 간 부위는 철, 구리, 비소, 카드뮴이 다른 금속에 비해 높은 농도값을 나타내었다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Fish that inhabited in the watersheds of Andong, Imha and Yeongju Dam in the upper Nakdong River were analyzed heavy metals by separated into muscle, gill, stomach and liver part. Thirteen fish species such as dark chub, skygager, coreoperca herzi, Korean piscivorous chub, cornet fish, Japan crucian...


참고문헌 (11)

  1. Bawuro, A.A, Voegborlo, R.B. and Adimado, A.A. (2018) Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals in Some Tissues of Fish in Lake Geriyo, Adamawa State, Nigeria. Jour. Environ. Public Health, v.2018, p.1-7. doi: 10.1155/2018/1854892 

  2. D'Itri, F.M. (1971) The Environmental Mecury problem; by F. M. D'Itri, CRC Press, CRC uniscience series, Cleveland, Ohio, 1972, 124p. 

  3. Hwang, I.D., Ki, N.S., Yang, G.S., Lee, J.H. and Kim, N.S. (1989) A study on the heavy metal contents in fish and sediments of the Mankyung river. Korean Jour. Environ. Helth Soc., v.15, p.33-49. 

  4. Hwang, Y.O. and Park, S.G. (2006) Contents of heavy metals in marine fishes, sold in Seoul. Analytical Sci. Tec., v.19, p.342-351. 

  5. Kim, J.S., Shin, M.J., Lee, J.E. and Seo, E.W. (2009) Heavy metal contents in tissues of Carassius auratus in Andong and Imha reservoir. Jour. Life Sci., v.19, p.1562-1567. doi: 10.5352/JLS.2009.19.11.1562 

  6. Mason, A.Z. and Simkiss, K. (1983) Interactions between metals and their distribution in tissues of Littorina littorea collected from clean and polluted sites. Jour. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K., v.63, p.661-672. doi: 10.1017/S0025315400070971 

  7. Rajeshkumar, S. and Li, X. (2018) Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in fish species from the Meiliang Bay, Taihu Lake, China. Toxicology Reports, v.5, p.288-295. doi: 10.1016/j.toxrep.2018.01.007 

  8. Seo, J.M., Kim, Y.H., Kwon, H.J. and Kim, J.J. (2019a) A Study on Heavy metal Characteristics of Sediments and inflow Suspended Solid of Andong and Imha-Dam. Jour. Miner. Soc. Korea, v.32, p.103-111. doi: 10.9727/jmsk.2019.32.2.103 

  9. Seo, J.M., Hong, S.M., Kim, Y.H. and Kim, J.J. (2019b), Studies on Heavy Metal Enrichment Property of Body in Japanese Crucian Carp from Andong and Imha Dam. Proceedings of the 74th Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Korea and 2019 Fall Joint Conference of the Geological Sciences, 2019. 10. 23-26, Jeju 

  10. Shin, M.J., Park, M.Y., Lee, J.E. and Seo, E.W. (2010) Heavy Metal Contents in Tissues of Fishes in Andong and Imha Reservoirs. Jour. Life Science, v.20, p.1378-1384. doi: 10.5352/JLS.2010.20.9.1378 

  11. Yayoi, K., Koyama, J. and Ozaki. H. (1986) Heavy metal levels in tissues of fish exposed to cadmium. Bull. Japan Soc. Sci. Fish, v.52, p.2055-2059. 

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